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68 Camino Street Machine


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Ok so by now at least some of you have been seeing this â€new guy†CraigDaModeler posting a few times. Well I am not really new, just been in a major lack-of-motivation building slump for over two years. I posted up a couple of my previous builds to try and see if I can light a spark. So this is my next step, posting the project that has been sitting mostly idle for over two years.

Here is the engine mock up straight out the box.


Needless to say I was not at all happy with those bulky molded in belts so away they went.


Here is the mock up before and after paint. All if this is currently disassembled and I have started detailing. It is nearly ready to be reassembled.


Here is what it is going in…..68 Camino. Fitted MRC Key Stone Classic wheels with Mickey Thompson tires. Raised the rear end a bit having to rebuild the shocks.



This is the most recent thing I have done about two months ago. The paint is HOC Emerald Pearl. Currently it has about four wet coats of clear lacquer with the second coat getting a little blue & green pearl powder mixed in. I hope to soon finish off may last coats of clear and get the polishing done.



With the lack of building motivation also came a lack of photographing motivation so I apologize for the less than adequate paint job photos. Hopefully that will come in again as well!!

I have a few other things done on this project like the fuel and brake lines installed and the rear end, while disassembled is painted and ready for assembly. The wheels and tires are ready with the exception of paint the white lettering.

Thanks for looking

Edited by CraigDaModeler
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That Engine came in the kit?

Guess I missed that one.

Motor is looking Sweeeeeeeeeeeet.

Great detailing on it..

Love the license plate :(

Welcome back to building..

I'm just getting back into building too.

And this place has been Quit inspirational..

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wwwwwwwwoooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! What kind of motivation do you need??? a swift kick in the A**??? just jokin my friend, but, this is an exceptional build, keep goin!!!

I tried the swift kick in the A** and it did not work! :lol:

Actually I am hoping that doing this posting thing, making me go back and see what I have done already, along with all these positve comments will do the trick.

I am already starting to feel the drive but I have had that many times and it has not lasted. Maybe tonight I'll give it a whirl at the bench and see where it goes.

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All I can say is quit ya whinin' and get a building'!

If you try to build everything to be an IPMS Nats winner, then win it 10 years in a row, now what? I say "big friggin' deal!"

I've pretty much come to conclusion that the idea of a model with a "one year show season and then retire it" is a pretty lame idea. Depite all the doom & gloom, I feel there are a lot of new modelers coming out and they have never seen the models (in person) that were featured in magazines like pre-Kalmbach Scale Auto Enthusiast or Plastic Fanatic.

"I didn't build anything new this year," "I'm in a building slump," yeah, I heard that from some of my Florida buddies that showed up and they didn't bring any models! I don't care if it won Best of Show wherever, I like seeing well built models (just like what you build). Bring 'em back every year! I can only assume those that go to model shows would enjoy seeing them as well. Often it's nearly impossible to examine every detail on a car during the duration of an event. Seeing it again often allows the viewer see things they might have missed before.

One of the best ways for modelers of lesser skills to improve is to talk to guys like yourself to learn tips/tricks so they can be even more proud of their builds. In reality model building isn't rocket science. Anyone who wants to do it and puts their mind to it can build a really nice model. If your only excuse is "I haven't built anything new" so I'm not going to (fill in the blank) show. Then you're cheating out potential modelers learning some technique you might have learned 15 years ago.

So where am I going with this?

I always enjoy spending time with you when you come to Birmingham or any other show we might run into each other.

Really missed ya this year. The best part of this hobby is the people! The models are really second. Don't sweat making everything "perfect" - perfection cannot be achieved. Hell my latest model has all kinds of zits and boogers all over it. Despite that, it made people smile, shake their head, or evoked some form of other reaction, THAT'S what's it's all about.

If I sound harsh, it's only because I consider you my friend.

Tim K.

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Thanks for all the thought that went into that pep talk Tim.

Yeah, I did not have any new builds for B'Ham this year but I did not have any new builds last year either. Last year I brought stuff that had been there before and what do you know, my 55 Chevy took a top 15 (2nd time at the show). I was unable to make it this year due to work load. And I to missed visiting with you guys, it was not an easy decision but work had to come first. Heck I even missed our local contest for the same reason.

I agree with what you said about up and coming builders and sharing tips. That is where I got where I am (was) and still much more to learn. I think I enjoy the sharing more than the actual building! I plan to post a few more of my builds here as just after I joined the forum I lost interest so none of my builds have been shown here. I know there are lots of folks that may not visit the other forums my stuff will be new to some.

I could go on forever but I think the point is made.

So Tim, you did not comment on the in "progress" Camino.....trying to hijack this thread or something? :lol::P

ps. it's nice to know I have at least one friend!!

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Well, you got at least 2 friends that enjoy your work. Let's get cookin and finish that thing up. I wish I could also take my own advice but 50 hours a week at work and a 2 year old suck up all your modeling time. I have been putting in a hour or so in the morning before work but that's about it. Missed ya at the show, maybe you'll be in Baton Rouge next weekend?

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