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3d printed body question ?????

Romell R

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Hey fellas been a while since ive been active. Im gettin back to my camaro promod and i have a question.  I purchased the TDR 68 camaro body about 4 years ago ( long time ) anyway heres my question : is there a process used to get the body smooth and ready for paint? ...... looking forward to your replys.

Edited by Romell R
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Clean it with hot water and a bit of Dawn dish soap. Don't soak it, just scrub it with the hot water and ScotchBrite.

Once it's clean and scuffed a bit, shoot on a couple of medium wet coats of DuPont sandable grey primer/surfacer. let that set up then start wet sanding with 220 grit paper. Take that to a point where most of the primer is gone then re-prime and finish out with 320 and 400 grit. That should get you to a pretty smooth surface, ready for paint.


Edited by astroracer
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After washing the body with dish soap to get rid of mold release, primer the body check for imperfections after thats done use a 600 grit wet sand, then use tamiaya sand  1200, 1500,2000 .keep repeating the process till it looks great then u should be ready a very smooth paint job.?

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Wow, seems like a lot of work to go thru in order to get this material ready for use? And how much did that body cost you? If model kits contained this same material, requiring all this work & expense in order to get the product into the same surface consistency styrene plastic already exhibits.....I don't think anyone would continue to purchase kits under these conditions. 3D printing has made significant progress in providing better materials displaying smoother finishes, but they are in no way able to create a smooth, glass like finish...yet. That said, good luck with your project and hopefully in the future we will see an immense improvement towards smoother surface perfection in all 3D processes.

I do purchase 3D printed items, but not bodies because of all the extra work it takes to make them usable. And because I build in 1/16th scale, the cost of a body can reach $600.00 and that doesn't include that extra work mentioned above.

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Rom.... Hey man it's great to see you back around here. You are talking about the White Soft and Flexible material right?? I have one of the first 69 Pro Mod Bodies from them and That is the material that it is. I personally haven't done any work on it yet but now that TDR is having many more bodies, I am seeing some awesome subjects that I wouldn't mind picking up myself. Anyway let me get back on track with your post. Here are some different You Tube Videos where Tim from TDR explains how to work and prep some of the parts. He explains that the best way to seal this White Strong and Flexible Nylon is to use Super Glue. Take a look here, I have also included a couple other you tube video links from Tim at TDR:

Superglue seal only




 Finishing TDR Innovations' "Sand Cast" Material Step 1



Finishing TDR Innovations' "Sand Cast" Material Step 2



Finishing TDR Innovations' "Sand Cast" Material Step 3



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