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Nothing like a 2 day build to feed your soul

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Yes, like the title says: With so little modeling time, nothing like a 1 and a half days project. :blink: Of course this is not a car. I can explain:

I've always been a Star Wars freak. But my sister is just as much or worst. She brought me 2 AT-ST models over the weekend. One for me and one for me to build for her.

This is hers. 100% box stock, not even putty on the seams. This will go on a shelf with hundreds of other stuff. Of course I will open the hatches on mine and scratchbuild the interior, add details and get frustrated with it and put it away and get it out 3 years after etc. etc. :blink:

The figure is from a 1/48 airplane for size reference.

Gray and aluminum paint, black, brown and green washes, chrome silver drybrushing.







It looks like a loose chicken on my yard :blink:


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Hey, that's pretty kool Ismael.. :blink:

Maybe I need to try something along these lines man.....I have all the inspiration I need right here on the forums, it's the enthusiasm I'm lacking....I'm always too tied to jump into one of my projects after working all day... :blink:

I really like how this one turned out mate, and can't wait to see your detailed version... ;)

One thing...wont your sister get envious of the extra detail yours will be getting.. :blink:

Well done man.



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wont your sister get envious of the extra detail yours will be getting.. :blink:

Thanks Greg,

Well, yes. But the FORCE is strong with my 2 sisters. They do whatever they want with me. :blink:

If she wants it she will end up with both :blink:


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Hey, that's pretty kool Ismael.. :blink:

Maybe I need to try something along these lines man.....I have all the inspiration I need right here on the forums, it's the enthusiasm I'm lacking....I'm always too tied to jump into one of my projects after working all day... :blink:

Here's the key Greg: try to make at least a little bit of progress each day. I too am short on modeling time, but it's that little bit of progress each day that keeps me and my projects moving forward. Today's progress for me was installing the oil filter on my 1986 Monte Carlo SS project and a little bit of spray painting the parts for the same kit.

And that's another part of enthusiasm, progress, and completion, on a limited time budget: staying focused. The Monte has been on the bench (almost) exclusively for the past week. During that time the engine is now 80% done and the body is ready to be polished. I am not gonna say that just one car on the bench doesn't get a little tedious during the low spots, but it has kept me on pace for finishing 4-5 pretty much box stock builds per year that I'm proud of. Right now I am really itching to start a white Boss 302 and did allow myself the ceremonial gluing of its engine block last night, but I've got to stick to the Monte or it won't get done.

One last thing is you should be enjoying yourself. If the idea of slowly nibbling away at one build for a couple of months until it's finished doesn't sound fun, it's probably not going to work for you. It is supposed to be fun after all. Best of luck finding your groove Greg

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Considering the time it took to build that kit, it looks awesome!

I had one of the same kits that was going to be a project like the one you described. I had planned to make mine an interesting showpiece. I was going to paint it in a unique camo scheme that incorporated the rebel bird insignia on the sides, very large, and 'blended' with the camo paint. Also was going to have wear and tear, patched panels that didn't match the camo (maybe even an off white one as if off Hoth), missing panels, applied camo (netting, branches and brush) and some minor damage they hadn't gotten around to repairing yet. My thoughts were of a low buck and ill funded rebellion cobbling these things together just enough to get em back into battle. Like the WWII planes with shiny panels on olive drab planes thing.... Oh, and maybe some modifications and customization here and there like brush guards and cable rippers on the feet and legs to thwart those trip wires, deflector plates on joints and gun hardpoints, a painted flying tiger mouth and attached teeth/fangs where the gun sits along with maybe some crazy eyes on the front (those stormtroopers would be stormpoopers seeing that giant ugly beast coming at em with the big ugly eyes and spitting lasers out it's mouth).

Good luck with the build and I hope to see it here in one of the forums, whichever way you choose to build it. If not, just drop us a note so we can follow it along.

Happy building!

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:blink: All you need now Iz are some little Ewoks runnin some thread around it's legs(to look like cables)an you got yourself a scene from the movie!Yeah, I know what you mean about the force bein strong in your 2 sisters,I got stuck with 4!!!! an their my (MUCH) older sisters.When we were kids they were real strong with the force!But now that were all growed up they don't pick on me so much.(but they can still get on my nerves!) :blink::blink:;) Oh,BTW, the AT-ST looks great! ;)
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:blink: All you need now Iz are some little Ewoks runnin some thread around it's legs(to look like cables)an you got yourself a scene from the movie!Yeah, I know what you mean about the force bein strong in your 2 sisters,I got stuck with 4!!!! an their my (MUCH) older sisters.When we were kids they were real strong with the force!But now that were all growed up they don't pick on me so much.(but they can still get on my nerves!) :blink::blink:;) Oh,BTW, the AT-ST looks great! ;)
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I built an AT-AT for my son not too long ago, and I really enjoyed it. I just glued it together, added some black wash straight on the gray plastic and called it a day, took about 2 hours or so. From a few feet away, it looks great. I'd think it would be a pretty difficult model to get perfect though, the fit was not all that great. But my 7-year old Star Wars enthusiast sure loves it. ;)

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:lol: ..Ah, good stuff Ismael.

Hey, just make sure you don't give in too easily... :P

It's a great looking build in any case man, and I'd be proud to display it and boast, "my brother built that for me.." ;)

Thank you for your thoughts too Jason.. :lol:

I think I know where my main problem lies mate..I have too many on the go at once....I'll try sticking to one (1) for a while, just nibble away when I can and see if I can't get it done..Cheers mate. :lol:

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Guest zebm1

Hmmmm, I have one of those...and a Snowspeeder too..... been looking at them as salvaged civillian hotrods......from a galaxy far, far away....... ;)

Of couse yu gotta have weapons too....all those lousy space pirates.....ya know :lol:

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