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Swapping fenders from one model to another

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Hi, i'm sure its been covered before but I can't find it-

I would like to take the fender flares from(82 body style) Revell motorworks Mustang Turbo cobra ( want to build a copy of a 1:1 Mercury Capri I had)

and add them onto revells 93 mustang cobra any ideas?

The car itself is too narrow to swap aparts from one car to another - I had an 86 Capri (love the fender flares) that I upgraded to a 93 Mustang GT I changed everything inside and out , I miss the car and would like to make one

Edited by white00gt
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You could either cut the flares from one body and glue to the other. However, I have another idea that may work. Get some clay and put in a small box or frame to hold it. Then press carefully against the flare you want to reproduce then remove. Mix up a small amount of resin from a fender patching kit and pour into the mold. Once cured, trim and glue to new body with super glue.

Not something you'd want to use for production purposes, but may work for a one time project.

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Thanks guys going to try thr resin thing, have one front fender cut off car, never tried maing a part might be fun!!!

Any specific kit or just a fender repair kit, can I get the kit at any auto parts (never really noticed them).

One more question any thing has to be done differently as far as paint prep or typical primer/sanding?

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Hi Harry

Won't be any good me telling you where to shop as I'm in Australia, but I would imagine home depot or any hardware shop would have a fiberglass repair kit, all it is is some fiberglass matting and two tubes, the tubes is the two part resin the mat you don't need, all you do is make an impression in some clay or playdo of the flare, then fill the impression with the mixed two part resin from the repair kit, when it sets you will have to get something flat like a piece of glass and get some sandpaper lay the sandpaper on the glass and sand the back side of flare to fit the fender you need it to.

I haven't tried to make a flare but I did make a blower and an injector scoop once, worked great, I have also heard of people using Bondo to make the part

Regards Mal

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