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Porsche 935


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Not sure how it was mounted but it's why the shift rod ended up above the tunnel. They did other creative stuff for the 935 like raise the floor all in an attempt to getting it as low as possible. 

The inverted trans is still a common practice to this day for low race 911s

Gunnar Porsche restored the Interscope 935 and while there are some differences, it shows a different mount than what the kit looks like. However, The Interscope car had the suspension points moved oven more than what the factory did so I don't even know if that is correct or not. I am scratching my head on the shift rod because I am pretty sure the Martini pictures that SMS supplied show it going into the tunnel after if leaves the shifter. I may try and locate the disk that has the pics Matt supplied and do some digging. I've got that disk somewhere. Just need to locate it.

Thank you for the help by the way Cal! I am not so far ahead that I cannot fix what has been done so far. I can touch up paint! LOL.


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Many years ago, when Tamiya/con was still around, I was talking to, S. Tamiya and he mentioned that to research the model, he chased the original all over Europe photographing it. He said that the photos were stored at the world HQ in Japan.  Wouldn't  we all like to see that archive open up? Oh, and he had the photos of all the other room large scale models also.

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Yeah he is an interesting dude for sure, Mr. Tamiya.  The other interesting thing he said about the large Porsche models is they "didn't look right" at perfect scale and had to change them so it looked right built. So it is a case of out of scale in certain areas intentionally so it looked right.

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They were pricey to begin with and limited in numbers. Mine happens to be #319 of 505. I believe Matthew had enough parts to produce a few more but do not know if that materialized. They have been out of production for probably a decade at least.

I myself haven't seen one for sale in a long time. I know not all have been built so someone is hording them. Kind of like the 956/962 super set they did. Also limited in numbers.

I wish you luck in finding one. Im sure you will end up paying more than original retail price if one does turn up. 

With that said, the kit itself with some minor detailing can be made into a show stopper even considering it is a very old kit!


I was lucky enough to get the 1/24 956 super kit, I also have their CLK GTR and Toyota Kits, though not as intricate 

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I managed to dig up the CD with all the pictures supplied from Scale Motorsport. Every thing they show of the interior has the shifter going through the tunnel. Interestingly however is that there is a glimpse of the gearbox in one of the engine shots and it looks like it is in fact upside down. So I flipped the trans over and the darned thing now does not fit.....of course not lol. It is going to require some tunnel work as it does in the real cars to make it work. I am not totally sure what is what as far as these series of pictures goes. Is it 2 cars used for reference? So back to the original question Cal mentioned.....to flip the trans or not...lol

At this point I am leaning to leaving the trans as Tamiya had it. However I may decide otherwise down the road since I will have a bit of time to ponder  as I am packing EVERYTHING up for a move. Got a job offer that I really can't pass up so I am taking it. Which means I am leaving the small town world and moving back to the big city.... Oh joy lol.


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Porsche cut out the floor and redid it with a bunch of dezus fastened sheets.

CAL, wouldn't happen to have pics of it would you? Talking about the Martini car of course. I am on the fence at this point but I am not against chopping the floorboard even though it has been painted already. 

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I can see what I can dig up and I am not sure I can find the specific Martini car the kit is supposed to represent. I am however pretty sure all the 935s had a flipped trans. I also believe in flipping the trans in a real 911 it can be done without extensive tunnel mods. 

It might not be worth doing on the kit but it would be kind of cool and unique because it would be different then all those other ones out there, not that you would see it really.

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