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Tamiya BMW Z3


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This kit has been about 20 years in the making. Back in 1997, I left the Porsche dealer I was working at and I started working for the local BMW dealer while I was going to university. Worked there just long enough to meet a girl who worked there, date for a year, be engaged for a year, get married...then I left and went back to Porsche. That first Christmas at BMW, this kit ended up under the tree for me. Fast forward to today, and we've been married 17 years, and the kit has stuck has finally been completed! 

Anyway, I started this one all those years ago. Finished the interior, paint suspension pieces, and that was about it. Into the box, and life got in the way of any model building for a long time. Finally dug this one out a few months ago, and decided to complete it.

It's finished in Tamiya TS8 Italian Red with Tamiya clear coat. Interior is some sort of semi-gloss black and flat black, probably Testors.

I found the headlights look good when done, but they were tricky to mask and paint. And I'm not happy with the fit of the tail lights, odd for Tamiya. Otherwise it's typical Tamiya, it went together beautifully, fit and finish is second to none.

Now, my skills are another issue entirely, but overall I'm satisfied, and it looks good on the shelf.

the one big issue I had involves the windshield. I masked it off like I always do, using the same masking tape I always use. Only this time, it appears to have permanently damaged the windhield. I pulled the tape and noticed what looked like glue residue. Some of you may have seen the thread I created about this issue. At the end of the day, I tried a lot of things, and none of them had any effect. Time for plan b. Yes, cover the windhield with a giant sign! :P

I also made a license plate. After tkaing the pics, I noticed it was crooked, so I've gone and fixed that, have also redone the panel lines with a wash.

And calling it done.





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Looks pretty nice!   I built this one a couple years back....I seen a real one on the way home from work one night and the top was up...rear window was all brown and clouded over (typical of convertibles in AZ with plastic rear windows)  and I said they need a better top!  So I pulled my kit out and on the desk was a doner Viper GTS kit...So I took the roof rear window from the Viper and removed the trunk lid from the Z3...Had me a M coupe before they made the real one!  I added the Viper stripes and used the Wheels also  Turned out pretty cool.  

 We also have a 2008 Z4 in the garage...Love the little thing total blast to drive!

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  • 3 months later...

GOod looking build. I too have one model kits that I've been working on forever. Was my first kit ever, a 1970 Charger I was gifted around 2007. Still not completed. Maybe this year.
As for your widshield, polish with some fine paint cutting polish/rubbing compound. Tamiya has a set of three polishes (from coarse to superfine) that works wonders at clearing up scratched or damaged old plastic.

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