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I heard about this Dynatron and everywhere I have gone looking has either sold out and isn't restocking it or pulled it from the shelf. Apparently the stuff is so nasty they wont sell it to the general public any more and the only way to get it is through wholesale.

One of the cautions of Dynatron is you best be using it in a well ventilated room. Failure to do so can leave you...............well let's just say buzzed! :unsure:

I either use my respirator, or use under my running spray booth to suck up the dust and fumes. :lol:

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One of the worst modeling putties to be foisted on the unsuspecting modeling guy has got to be Squadron Putty!! :lol: That stuff has got to be the worst!

I'm sorry to hear about your dash...........I wish you could have ask us guys about it before you bought/used it...........can you get a replacement dash?

There is a certain technique to using Squadron----my biggest beef with the stuff is it's TERRIBLE shrinkage even long after the body or part has been painted leading to cracking. Some have used it maybe with no problem----I haven't met 'em............

Small amounts is the key, but that junk never seems to dry well, not to mention it doesn't seem to feather edge well if it ever does dry. :unsure:

The guy at the LHS is a military builder.........not to minimize that type of building, but maybe he doesn't even notice the terrible reactions after so long.........who knows? Yeah, I'm sure there are some defenders of Squadron, but this long time builder can't stand the junk! :lol:

Yes, it is stock #592 for the Dynatron, here's a small pic of it...........


Hope you can find it, if not the 'Bay has some listed on there, but then you gotta deal with shipping.

Let us know how it works out!

That has been my experience with Squadron Green.

It is very aggressive and will attack plastic.

It does shrink a lot.

It doesn't dry fast.

It is very hard to sand.

It is hard to work with, and tends to glob up because it melts the plastic and then rolls up off whatever you are working with and makes one big gerneral mess of things.

And it's doesn't paint well. That is it sucks up more panit than the plastic surround it so you get a finish differential.

It's been many years since I tossed my Squadron Green out and I probably have forgotten other problems it had.

It's just bad news stuff.

Edited by CAL
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One of the worst modeling putties to be foisted on the unsuspecting modeling guy has got to be Squadron Putty!! :lol: That stuff has got to be the worst!

I'm sorry to hear about your dash...........I wish you could have ask us guys about it before you bought/used it...........can you get a replacement dash?

There is a certain technique to using Squadron----my biggest beef with the stuff is it's TERRIBLE shrinkage even long after the body or part has been painted leading to cracking. Some have used it maybe with no problem----I haven't met 'em............

Small amounts is the key, but that junk never seems to dry well, not to mention it doesn't seem to feather edge well if it ever does dry. :unsure:

The guy at the LHS is a military builder.........not to minimize that type of building, but maybe he doesn't even notice the terrible reactions after so long.........who knows? Yeah, I'm sure there are some defenders of Squadron, but this long time builder can't stand the junk! :lol:

Yes, it is stock #592 for the Dynatron, here's a small pic of it...........


Hope you can find it, if not the 'Bay has some listed on there, but then you gotta deal with shipping.

Let us know how it works out!

I am sure it's good stuff, it is 20% styrene. I think the killer is the high levels of Toulene.

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WOW!!! I wish I would have asked first!!! When I was looking at the Squadron I thought someone said they had used it, but I couldn't remember. They had the Miliput but I couldn't remember what color Cal said he used.... They had brown, blue and I think black or red??? I wish I could remember. Only one of those didn't say it was heat resistant and it was for clay and ceramics. The rest said heat resistant and I was afraid that was gonna mean it was harsh or aggresive.

Yeah I ordered another dash a few days BEFORE I used that JUNK because I didn't know I was gonna go to HobbyTown so I figured since I got one on the way I'll just try it and if it doesn't work I'll just go with the NEW dash on my next try... Other than that lil' fiasco the guy up there knew pretty much EVERYTHING else I had questions about.... Kinda nice after spending the last 5 months at Hobby Lobby with those IDIOTS!!!! I just wish I had a cell phone and some of you guys on speed dial so I could get INSTANT input!!! :unsure::lol::blink: Kinda like the "BAT PHONE", but I'd call it the "IM ABOUT TO MAKE A STUPID DECISION" phone. :lol::lol: I looked for the Testors Pro Red and didn't see it anywhere. Well, I'm learnin. One mistake at a time. Thanks guys!!

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WOW!!! I wish I would have asked first!!! When I was looking at the Squadron I thought someone said they had used it, but I couldn't remember. They had the Miliput but I couldn't remember what color Cal said he used.... They had brown, blue and I think black or red??? I wish I could remember. Only one of those didn't say it was heat resistant and it was for clay and ceramics. The rest said heat resistant and I was afraid that was gonna mean it was harsh or aggresive.

Yeah I ordered another dash a few days BEFORE I used that JUNK because I didn't know I was gonna go to HobbyTown so I figured since I got one on the way I'll just try it and if it doesn't work I'll just go with the NEW dash on my next try... Other than that lil' fiasco the guy up there knew pretty much EVERYTHING else I had questions about.... Kinda nice after spending the last 5 months at Hobby Lobby with those IDIOTS!!!! I just wish I had a cell phone and some of you guys on speed dial so I could get INSTANT input!!! :):lol::huh: Kinda like the "BAT PHONE", but I'd call it the "IM ABOUT TO MAKE A STUPID DECISION" phone. :D:blink: I looked for the Testors Pro Red and didn't see it anywhere. Well, I'm learnin. One mistake at a time. Thanks guys!!

I use white, mainly because it's a neutrual color. White box with black lettering.

I have used yellow before, which I think is standard grain, and white is fine.

Yeah, I hear ya. I have been at the LHS and was like now what did he say?

Nobody ever learned a goddamn thing from success. Oscar Wilde.

Edited by CAL
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Hey guys. I coulda swore I told you guys that I picked up some stuff, but it's not here. My brain left after this week. :) Actually, I know I did. I listed what I could find locally, and Abe replied. The internets ate my post...

Anyway, I picked up Dynatron DYNA-deLITE for a filler and Dupli-color primer sealer for primer. Am I finally getting back on the right track? They also had a Bondo Professional glaze and the same kind of filler. Should I have gotten them? Thanks guys.

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Anyway, I picked up Dynatron DYNA-deLITE for a filler and Dupli-color primer sealer for primer. Am I finally getting back on the right track? They also had a Bondo Professional glaze and the same kind of filler. Should I have gotten them? Thanks guys.

I can't answer to that particular brand of Dynatron, as I haven't used it. The kind I have says "Putty-Cote" on it. It might be the same stuff, but to be on the safe side-----you should always test on a junk body if your unsure of the results.

This will also give you a feel for how to apply it, how the primer will react, etc.

"If in doubt..........always test it out!" <_<

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That's funny Bob! Around here in PA I can't find Evercoat!

In fact trying to find Evercoat is what steered me to Dynatron. I stopped by a local auto body supply store one day years ago thinking for sure he would have it------he didn't, but he raved about Dynatron.

I was curious as I didn't want to traipse all over town looking for Evercoat--------and I've been hooked on it ever since. :angry:

Bill, I buy Evercoat here in Pittsburgh at a place called West Penn Laco. Its an autobody supply store. They have several locations here but I dont know if they are in your area. Ive never tried the Dynatron. Maybe Ill check it out the next I need filler.


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No, that chain's not around here AFAIK.............Pittsburgh's a pretty good size metropolitan area so they'd have the good stuff there! :angry:

Lil 'ol Harrisburg they'd just tell us to suck eggs! (jk) :P

There are tons of Pep Boys around here though that do carry the Dynatron, so at least I can find it if ever I need it again. The can I have however should last well into the next decade if it doesn't dry out first! :o

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Am I the only sucker who is old school and uses the good old super glue and baby powder.. LOL.. I used to use evercoat alot... Put after having two half cans go bad on me I will never buy it again. So I starting using sg and baby powder.. Works great for me. I dont fill huge areas with it or anything like that but for small jobs works great. If you do try it be sure you get your own baby powder.. The wife gets made when you steal the babies.

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I bought some regular old Bondo body filler yesterday because it seems that my lil' town isn't sophisticated enough for the good stuff..... does anyone have any tips or advice on this stuff???? I haven't tried it yet so I'm not sure if it will be okay or not..... Thanks for all your help guys!!!

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Just follow the instructions on the can...it's pretty basic.

General rule of thumb is ten parts Bondo mixed with 1 part hardener (golfball size amount of filler and pea-sized amount of hardener, give or take. The exact ratio isn't that critical, just keep it in the ballpark.) The worst that can happen is you'll have the stuff set too slowly (not enough hardener) or it'll set up too fast (too much hardener). After you mix a few batches you'll get a feel for it. It's really pretty simple. Just mix small batches at a time. If you mix a big batch it'll start to set up before you can apply it all.

There's not really a whole lot more to it. Mix it up, apply, wait till it cures and sand smooth.

For smaller areas or to fill scratches or smaller imperfections you might try their 2-part glazing putty. You mix it up the same way as the canned stuff, but it's more convenient to use, because the filler comes in a squeeze tube, like the hardener.

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I've never used regular Bondo for plastics and was just worried it would have an adverse effect. After the mess with the Green Squadron putty, I been kinda shy about new things..... worried about melting plastic or whatnot!! Thanks guys....

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Guest Davkin

Just another idea. I don't know what you are doing with filler but I've found lately I use thick CA more than anything as a filler. It's not something you'd use for reshaping for customizing, (I use Evercoat for that.) but to fill imperfections it works great. Sometimes you have to actually gouge out the imperfection a little worse to make it deeper in order for the CA to hold. I just squirt out a little puddle of extra thick CA onto scrap paper, dab a pin into the CA puddle and apply it to the imperfection. Then I hit the area with some accelerator and within seconds it's ready to file and sand. No mixing, no having it harden before you're done using it, no having to wait for it to cure.


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  • 3 weeks later...

i have used premire utility paste. i got it off of ebay. it's funny you guys are using automotive grade products ,i bought this stuff for a project for my car because the auto grade stuff wasn't working. this stuff is very flexable. i haven't tried on any models yet.

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  • 2 months later...
I bought some regular old Bondo body filler yesterday because it seems that my lil' town isn't sophisticated enough for the good stuff..... does anyone have any tips or advice on this stuff???? I haven't tried it yet so I'm not sure if it will be okay or not..... Thanks for all your help guys!!!

I wouldn't suggest using "Bondo" on a plastic models. Depending on the brand, and since this product is made for metal, some brands have various chemicals that can cause an adverse effect on plastic, and the effects sometimes don't appear until days and even weeks later. Here's what I do, I make my own plastic model filler putty, and have done so since I was a kid 40 years ago.

I Use a mixture of super glue and baby powder to make homemade putty. Not only does it stick really well, but you can also use it for minor scratch filling and major building work too. Experiment first with the mixture, but trust me it works great, molds and hardens well, and is easily sanded; plus this is very in expense. You can also use Testers (orange and white tube, which is what I used 40 years ago) mixed with baby powder, but I prefer the crazy glue.

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Am I the only sucker who is old school and uses the good old super glue and baby powder.. LOL.. I used to use evercoat alot... Put after having two half cans go bad on me I will never buy it again. So I starting using sg and baby powder.. Works great for me. I dont fill huge areas with it or anything like that but for small jobs works great. If you do try it be sure you get your own baby powder.. The wife gets made when you steal the babies.

Sorry for stepping on your post. I didn't see yours until I posted mine about making my own putty too. Agreed, it works great and I've used it since I was a kid. long, long ago, but back then it was testers cement and baby power. I also use it for molding and shaping too. It seems to work well for large jobs too.

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I have used 3M Glazing putty for years until I ran out. Have tried evercoat and bondo and just don't like it and the bondo spot putty always shrinks to much for me. The latest one I used was a Tamiya putty works great and haven't seen any shrinkage. The professional two part bondo I have tried also and where I used it on a model the paint coat came out a differen color. waspainting a candy color with a basecoat of gold. yes i used a auto motive grade primer first. I don'tpaint a model untill i get a good primer on it first.

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