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AK Interactive Ultra Gloss Varnish

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Not sure about the brand, but past experience has shown me that varnish products, while shiny, have a tendency to yellow something fierce and may not harden completely.

I'd err on the side of conservative and say, If it's for the final finish, the color may not look the same in a few years. I'd avoid it.

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No, I haven't. It's a very nice box though... I once considered trying this out but honestly, I don't know why I should. I don't see any point to prefer this over Zero paints 2k clear which I mostly use on "modern car" models. Furthermore, I believe both products are nothing special or different really. They are 2k clearcoat lacquers as used in the automotive industry, while probably being modified for airbrush (small nozzle) use. Other than the ZP product, the AK stuff comes without any separate thinners which is something I don't like. As that means there is a fixed clearcoat - hardener ratio (3:1) but nothing can be done about the viscosity. I like to vary the amount of thinners in the process, so this is not good imho. The next thing is that the AK stuff is very expensive, given the small total quantity of only 80 ml. The ZP set comes with twice the amount (100 ml clearcoat + 60 ml hardener = 160 ml) PLUS 60 ml thinners which further increases the total amount of mixed varnish and, more importantly, the flexibility to adjust the ratio according to my needs. Both products cost about the same, a bit more that 20 EUR. So AK has the nicer packaging, but I'm pretty certain ZP is the better deal...

Edited by Tommy124
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Thanks for the feedback guys.

I ended up purchasing the set from a AK Interactive Canadian distributor.  Since my order met the minimum requirements for free S&H, I thought I would take the chance.

I have not found a Canadian Zero paint distributor, so those products are not cost effective (for me) to import.  A shame since they offer great products.  Importing paint (a.k.a. hazardous goods) across the boarder is difficult and very expensive.

As for yellowing, this has been my experience with most clear coats over lighter colors. Especially white.  I try to consider this in my builds.

Thomas - Not sure about the products available in Germany, but my AK set was packaged with the Clear, Hardener, thinner, and two syringes. 

To date, I've used Testor's one coat Wet Clear spray, or Dupli-Color Paint Shop clear.  Both provide a nice finish when used correctly.

The Dupli-Color has been my preference for glossy finishes and comes in a Gallon, already pre-thinned. Will most likely go bad before I use the whole can.  Cost is nearly the same as the AK set too.

Still getting my paint booth set up in the new house, so it will be a little while before I try out the product.

Will be interested to see how it compares to the Dupli-Color Paint Shop clear.

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18 hours ago, Intmd8r said:

Thomas - Not sure about the products available in Germany, but my AK set was packaged with the Clear, Hardener, thinner, and two syringes. 

Steve, I have to correct myself. The thinner is not mentioned on the box, but it is mentioned in the product description in their webshop: "Two-component ultra-gloss lacquer. Mix the lacquer and hardener in 3/1 ratio. Contains a 60ml bottle of thinner, 60ml lacquer and the hardener and two syringes." They do not mention ratio for using the thinner though... is it mentioned in the instructions somewhere on the box? Looking forward to learning about your experiences with this set.



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41 minutes ago, Intmd8r said:

Unfortunately  no instructions, other than 3:1 ratio of the clear and hardener.

The only video I found on YouTube reviewing the product was in Japanese.

That is not going to work for me.....


That's poor information from AK... Maybe some general instructions from ZP will help: https://www.hiroboy.com/Diamond_Finish__2_Pack_GLOSS_Clearcoat_System_2K_Urethane_220ml--product--10301.html

As regards the thinner's ratio, I suggest to start at a low level and then adjust. Changing the viscosity shouldn't affect the possible result, but the way the mix is going through the airbrush. Which nozzle size are you going to use?

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Here's what is included in the box:


I stand corrected on the instructions - need to pay closer attention to the back of the box:


As for my Airbrush nozzle, I am such an Airbrush noob.  Probably the last person to write a review of the product lol.

I will be using my Iwata Neo Airbrush in stock configuration, if that answers any questions.

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