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These are serious questiones, where's Issue #206

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We're all adults here, why can't  memebers post up serious questions asking  about an update on the current situation of the mag? A product many put up good cash for. If this was any other product a thread  would be up flaming the owner and it would  be pages long.

 Many members here stepped up to help Gregg, and now there is nothing but silence for Greggs camp. Other then locking threads and taking down simple polite requests, that's  the only interactions we see now.

Issue 206 has been talked about as far back since at least Jan 2019, perhaps longer. Is it dead, and many mamnbers are now cash, or is it still treading water with a slime chance for survival. From the non comments on Gregg front I"d say it's sadly a dead issue. 

If this get locked its clear that Gregg has given directions to lock and ignore any requests about the status. Makes one wounder much how longer until this forum is floating belly up too. 

  3     2    1   Lock.

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Ain't gonna happen. I asked if there was a way for non-subscribers to buy an issue and if there were any sneak peeks of the magazine and my thread got locked down. I guess the moderators would rather silence any discussion over answering questions.

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43 minutes ago, mikemodeler said:

Ain't gonna happen. I asked if there was a way for non-subscribers to buy an issue and if there were any sneak peeks of the magazine and my thread got locked down. I guess the moderators would rather silence any discussion over answering questions.

Yup, and any one of us pushing the issue are seen as trouble makers. We just want feed back status, it's either dead or dying, prierty simple questions to address. I bet the folks who laid out all that money for the life time would like to now where it's at. 


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Questions about the magazine should be addressed to Gregg. Those of us who volunteer at the Forum are as in the dark as everyone else. We are not employees of the magazine. Gregg is the only one that can provide updates.

There are several threads where Gregg says to email him if you have questions. His email can be found in the Contact portion of the main websites home page. Do not send him a PM and complain he hasn't answered you.

The threads all get locked because, no matter how cleverly folks ask their innocent questions, they all end up in the same place. The magazine supporters vs. the magazine haters. It has been proven over and over again, so we lock them down as soon as we see them (and will continue to do so).

It is also known that while some folks may truly be looking for answers, others are simply trying to stir up controversy knowing that we cannot give updates.

Again, email Gregg. Leave the Forum out of it.

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