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MCW resin 63 Fairlane and 64 Comet opinions?

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I have a couple of their kits and the quality is very nice, the price was good, and delivery was also very good. 

Don't know how well they hold up. I imagine you saw that thread where someone had a resin body warp out over the years and are all worried about that. IMHO that is a VERY rare problem. Resin bodies have been around more than 30 years and I've heard few if any complaints about them long-term. You'd think if that were a problem, we'd have seen and heard a LOT of stories like that over the years, but we just haven't. 

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This is a MCW '65 Cornet 500 . I finished this sometime prior to the Praying Mantis Kits . A Tribute build of one I serviced in the '60's . Bought as a Muscle Car , top of the line  Cornet 500 . Poverty Caps ans el cheapo Tires sans Whitewalls . On day 2 it would get Redlies and  Cragers IMHO and what I recall . Yeah , it's gotta a Street Hemi  4 spd. like the 1:1 did . No power anything to steal HP from the Tires . 

    The only Problem I had is my ow fault . The rear (chromed) Tail Panel was a struggle . I did not check the fit during the dry testing . In my haste .. I exerted too must pressure and blew out the entire Left side of the casting while on final assembly . 1959486793_65DodgeCornetHemir.JPG.8ad8e75164212ebd7c6a490843c4a827.JPG / Repair / Re-do paying attention to clearances of tight fitting Body parts . This is not Not Dave's fault . My Painting Process creates layers of pint I did not consider .. Live and learn . I faithfully check nowadays :) .  It has been 20 Years .. I have yet encountered problems with castings . R&R included .

  For comparison , the Yellow one is the Playing Mantis with the 426 Wedge Stage IV .  No Power anything , yet Opted out ..  Thanx 

'65 Cornet 500 Wedge f.JPG

'65 Dodge  Cornet Hemi f.JPG

'65 Cornet 500 wedge r.JPG

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