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Ok i know there is something wrong with me now.

I havent toutched a kit for 3 weeks now.

I dont know if family problems are to blame but its kinda scary.

Everytime i go to pick up a kit and start working on it i get to the point of opening the box and then i ask myself why am i going to work on this.

I tried pushing myself but i lose the concentration its like the zone i go to dosen't exist anymore.

I got the resin 59 ambulance (see who sent me the flintstones resin topic) and havent toutched it yet(except to look at it).

Hopefully you guys will give me some kind of insperation to get back to building because its lookin like i might give it all up if i cant get outta of this.

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Ok i know there is something wrong with me now.

I havent toutched a kit for 3 weeks now.

I dont know if family problems are to blame but its kinda scary.

Everytime i go to pick up a kit and start working on it i get to the point of opening the box and then i ask myself why am i going to work on this.

I tried pushing myself but i lose the concentration its like the zone i go to dosen't exist anymore.

I got the resin 59 ambulance (see who sent me the flintstones resin topic) and havent toutched it yet(except to look at it).

Hopefully you guys will give me some kind of insperation to get back to building because its lookin like i might give it all up if i cant get outta of this.

mabey its just all of the " c r a p" disturbing you have done over at layitlow.com model forum?

just a thought.

Edited by mademan
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after only 3 weeks? how long have you been building? heck there was months at a time i didn't build, but always came back to it. this happens to all of us. they call it builders block, burned out or whatever....

too much repetition does that to a person, no matter what they are doing.

if i may make a suggestion?

try putting the stuff you normally do aside and build a model you would never have done before.

i don't build new cars, but i did give it a shot once and actually was having fun with it. i didn't finish it though, it only took one anal guy on SA board to ruin my motivation. needless to say i don't go there anymore, but not because of him.

it's difficult to try something new out and share with people. it seems there will be someone right there to say you are not doing it right.

you build mostly lowriders?

what up with the deals and trades? if you have bad deals or people waiting on you for stuff, i can see why you are feeling this way. nothing like guilt on your mind to ruin a fun hobby. if i am wrong, just say so.

Edited by awbcrazy
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I'm sorry to hear that you're having family problems. Like with any significant disruption in your life, you'll feel the impact of it on many levels and for some time. It's not surprising that you're not in the mood to build models if there's something upsetting you.

Take your time, get your collective stuff back together and don't push the modeling thing. I'm sure that you'll get back to modeling once things settle down for you at home.

Until then, take it easy, take care of yourself and your family. All of your models will be there waiting for you when you're ready to return to them.


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Evilone, I'm kinda in the same boat- my '64 Marauder (with '60 Galaxie underpinnings), the '89 Mustang (misplaced one of those %$#^&*%^$#*@ taillights), my two '97 F-150's and my '62 Ranchero have been on hold due to burnout and college. I'm sure to hop back into everything soon, but for now, things are mocked up and waiting for completion. Sorry to hear about your family problems- hopefully they'll be sorted out soon and you'll be back building.

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Ok i know there is something wrong with me now.

I havent toutched a kit for 3 weeks now.

I dont know if family problems are to blame but its kinda scary.

Everytime i go to pick up a kit and start working on it i get to the point of opening the box and then i ask myself why am i going to work on this.

I tried pushing myself but i lose the concentration its like the zone i go to dosen't exist anymore.

I got the resin 59 ambulance (see who sent me the flintstones resin topic) and havent toutched it yet(except to look at it).

Hopefully you guys will give me some kind of insperation to get back to building because its lookin like i might give it all up if i cant get outta of this.

Maybe you should try a different hobby for a while. I know I have several hobbies. I play guitar, I write, I collect coins and stamps. and I read a lot. That way, when I get "burned out" on one, I switch to another. I'm sure you have other interests; as we all do. Pushing yourself to do something is never enjoyable and never fulfilling, so that wouldn't be a good move. Maybe you need to look back and think, "Why did I build models? What was the reward?"

Family problems can certainly get in the way of things, trust me, I know. I have 5 children, a wife with MS, and my job of 10 years was shipped off over-seas in July, but even with all that I can find the time for me, as it seems you need to do for yourself. I hope your family problems get better, but no matter; don't allow worries to interfere with your "me" time. We all need it, it's a must.

I know one thing that motivates me to build models is this. I look at cars on the internet, or in magazines and car shows, then try to build a model based on what I have seen. To me that is rewarding, even if I'm not that great a builder. This is a great site to look as well. I'll look at various galleries and that inspires me, but to each their own. What motivates me won't necessarily motivate you.

I'm sorry if this comes off as "preaching". I really don't mean it to. I'm hoping to help get you back where you want to be, and that seems to be building models, or you wouldn't have written about it. It must be something you enjoy, and I hope you get back to soon.


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Quit your crying. We all have problems.

Seems to me that you have taken a "hobby" and turned it into a chore. With all of your "deals", build offs, and mixing paints for others, along with family problems, whatever they are, it's no wonder you feel boxed in.

Figure out just why you build. Some do it for a profit, some to demonstrate their skills, some just to replicate cars that they appreciate in as much detail as possible.

Me, I do it as a retreat from the real world. When my financial, personnel, and ongoing medical problems are getting the best of me, that's when I enjoy building the best. I don't have nearly the skills as most people here, but when I can get a couple of pieces of plastic glued together properly or spray a coat of paint that looks pretty good, somehow the world looks a little better.

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Take the break and all the time you need. I have been through may haitus and always came back. I've taken breaks becaue my style was out of style, marriages failing, marriages brewing, moving, educational and sports pursuits, other interests, ermajor events, total disarray in my work area, stalled projets for little obstacles, the hobby got real sparse (1970), I often wondered myself what is this worth.

What it amounts to is your sense of creativity, and I feel it is not like a faucet you can turn on and off. Sometimes it requires mood and inspiration, and that borderline between outright madness in building, and being turned off is very thin. Go through with it, stay in remote contact with the hobby, (visit hobby shops, contests, shows, car shows, etc) and you will build when you feel like it.

Looking back at my life, I have had a very rich life and there was so much, I struggled to cram everything in, so you emphasize some and de-prioritize others, but you are a model car builder, and it will come back to you or vice versa. You will know when.

Ken "FloridaBoy" Willaman

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well i have takin all the ideas that you guys have posted on here to heart

and last night i went looking for something in the garage and heard the kits calling me over

so i decided what the hay and went ove

i picked up two kits and some parts outta my bins of parts

one is a 66 chevelle wagon which will become a lowrider(which can be seen in the workbench section)

and the other is a barris ice cream truck that will be powered by a V-12

it looks like i might be outta the danger zone for now

Edited by evilone
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It's called builders block Kevin, along with a bunch of other stuff in the real world. I haven't touched a model kit for the last 7 month's and did the same thing you did. I picked it up then put it right back down. Building top quality models take's it's toll on you, the next one has to out do the last one and with my build's that is a real hard act to follow. I only put the pressure on myself. As of 3 week's ago one of my member's asked me if i could clear one of his car's cause his airbrush had gave up on him, after smelling the sweet smell of Urethane Clear i have completed 2 full detail kit's. We had our talk last night Kevin face to face and i hope that inspired you to get back to building. Never be affraid to put it down and walk away for a whyle, and if you think your not doing good, step back and re-think what you wan't to do.

Your friend

Anthony R.

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It's called builders block Kevin, along with a bunch of other stuff in the real world. I haven't touched a model kit for the last 7 month's and did the same thing you did. I picked it up then put it right back down. Building top quality models take's it's toll on you, the next one has to out do the last one and with my build's that is a real hard act to follow. I only put the pressure on myself. As of 3 week's ago one of my member's asked me if i could clear one of his car's cause his airbrush had gave up on him, after smelling the sweet smell of Urethane Clear i have completed 2 full detail kit's. We had our talk last night Kevin face to face and i hope that inspired you to get back to building. Never be affraid to put it down and walk away for a whyle, and if you think your not doing good, step back and re-think what you wan't to do.

Your friend

Anthony R.

whats up big dog

yha you can say the chat we had did help out also seeing the topsecret projects of yours helped as well

and as for the death wagon i have it currently in the pond as we speak

what was the color you were telling me about i have a memory of a 99 year old LOL

plus i kinda been side tracked with all these fires

keep it cool homie

and get that caddy back on the road

your lil homie


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