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Painting Wide White Walls

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I do it different then some do. But heres my process. I figure out what size cicle I need, then I cut it out of a piece of card stock and adher to the tire using rubber cement. I then use duplicolor auto self etching primer and lay down 2 coats give or take. Need to make sure the tire is coated well enough for no black to show. Then I spray on a few light coats of duplicolor auto classic white until it is nice and white. I leave it at that, but if its too shiny for you, you could spray a dullcote over it. Thanks. Jody

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for quick, easy, affordable and realistic results, ya can't beat a white Gel Pen. Walmart has 'em i the craft section, adn Michaels has them in 2 places, the kids section, and some better quality / selection over near the invitations / stamps / seals.

One coat with the pen gives a fairly worn look, 2 coats gives a slightly worn look and any thing more looks brandy new.

For the pattern, I ususally just follow the seam on the sidewall of the tire, as it is normally fairly close to the size of a wide white, and the tip of the Gel Pen follows it easily.

The pens are only about a buck and change at michaels and 98 cents or so @ Wally world. When I restock on them I usually get 3 pens @ a time 1 white 1 red one blue

How well do those gel pens dry?

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dry enough to handle within a couple minutes, and so long as the hands are dry and clean I have had very nminimal rub-off. Another option would be a white charcoal pencil. I use these mainly for the raised lettering. just holt the pencil sideways and rub along the letters (like a gravestone rubbing). The only drawback to the pencil is that it has to be cleared over in order to stay in place, I have not had to clear over the Gel Pens.

There are a few models in my collection that I have used them on and if you weant Ican post some pics later. The most recent one i did it on was about a year ago and i havent noticed any fade yet.

Thanks! Looks like I am off to Walmart to get me some Gel Pens and try it out this afternoon. I will let you know what I think.

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Went to hobby lobby and picked up a white Galaxy Paint-like Ink Mark and it worked great for the look i was going for, worn out old white walls. The only problem is the marker stopped working for some odd reason after my first coat. Good thing it did the trick in one coat!!

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  • 1 month later...
you can also use whiteout look in your desk drawer for your white walls tom

and if you want to paint the white letters on your tires tap down the tip of a toothpic like a brush put a small amount of paint on it an just touch the raised part of the letters with the toothpick. use an old tire an try it. also you can paint parts of the tire to make it look like curb rub. im new to the computer but i been building models for about 35 years. want to make a flat tire? heat up a hollow tire with a candle ....be careful...and push down on a hard surface and hold down till it cools. when you put the rim on put the rim in crooked so it looks like the tire came off the rim tom

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