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NNL West

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Another Special Guest!!!

My wife, partner, better half, love of my life, Kelly, will be coming with me!!!

Yes, this is the first time in probably ten years she has come to a show with me.

Now, everyone, you have to be on your best behavior.

No telling of my secrets.

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Another Special Guest!!!

My wife, partner, better half, love of my life, Kelly, will be coming with me!!!

Yes, this is the first time in probably ten years she has come to a show with me.

Now, everyone, you have to be on your best behavior.

No telling of my secrets.

Man, I sure hope JK doesn't get laryngitis.

We're planning an extra seat at the COMA dinner table in October. Maybe I should alert the Derr Country Bed & Breakfast there will be an additional boarder? If Kelly can come to Cally-forn-ya can Ohio be far behind?


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Another Special Guest!!!

My wife, partner, better half, love of my life, Kelly, will be coming with me!!!

Yes, this is the first time in probably ten years she has come to a show with me.

Now, everyone, you have to be on your best behavior.

No telling of my secrets.

Gregg is she going to be comming with you to nnl east ?We will be good!

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Another Special Guest!!!

My wife, partner, better half, love of my life, Kelly, will be coming with me!!!

Yes, this is the first time in probably ten years she has come to a show with me.

Now, everyone, you have to be on your best behavior.

No telling of my secrets.

OH darn i can't bring the pics.Well the show just became boring.


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I don't think I have ever been more excited before a show than this year's NNL West.

Look at the highlights:

Jim Keeler is our special guest

Our west coast crew will be there: Darryl Gassaway, John Oszajca, Kurt Wilson, and our NNL West Family

Maybe it's because the magazine is on time, ahead of schedule

Or maybe it's because Kelly is coming with me, first time in over ten years

Or, could it be Biscuit and Blues on Saturday night

Or, just maybe, a great room at the St. Francis after a night of blues and cajun food in San Fran?

All I know is the NNL West 2009 is going to be a weekend to remember!

It's going to be a great show, probably one of the best ever.


That's only a word.

It's the spirit of this country that will get everyone through the hard times.

Okay, I pau!

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