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Pic's of your Pet's

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As 84vanagon said, this is not a staged photo.

As with most cat's, The "BAXYBRAT" ( BAXTER ) has to be in the middle of whatever I'm doing, which in this case is checking out a new "PRIZE" I got at a local swap-meet.

BAXY liked it too :D .


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Ok I guess I'll jump in and post some photos of my 2 dogs :D But I couldn't picked just one photo of them so you all will just have to look at them all!! B) Oh and my son's 2 cats!!!

This is Demon and he loves this chair in the backyard and will sit in it for hours!!


And when I let him get away with he does this in the house.


And this is Batman doing what he does best.


And some photos of both of them and you would think they were twins!! :lol:





This is a photo of the 2 of them when we had just gotten them back from the 6 mile trip they took off one the one time they got out of the yard!! As you can see the are dog tried!! :lol:


Ok now for you cat lover's my sons 2 cat's!

Salvador, who we got when he was a kitten and ended up in the yard with the dogs!! The dogs didn't hurt him thank god!!


And this is Bella, looking like a deer cought in headlights


Sorry for all the dog gone dog photos, hey I'm a dog lover what can I say!!

What's with the two differently colored eye's on the cat? I see one gold, and one red?

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Suddenly I'm reading a magazine and forum about pets? I am reluctant to be a party pooper here but isn't this MODEL CAR magazine forum? I think pictures of pets have their place but I'm sure this is not it. Whoever started this thread probably thought it was a cute idea. I have a dog too, but I don't think this is the place to post his picture.


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I started this thread in response to the thread, "this sucks". I wanted something brighter and more positive, and we're all animal lovers here, so why not? You dont have to participate if you dont' want to, that's okay. I really felt bad for the person who had that kitten die in his hands and I wanted to show how much we all love our animals.

I didn't think I'd get as many replies as I have gotten already! :D

Edited by FujimiLover
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Suddenly I'm reading a magazine and forum about pets? I am reluctant to be a party pooper here but isn't this MODEL CAR magazine forum? I think pictures of pets have their place but I'm sure this is not it. Whoever started this thread probably thought it was a cute idea. I have a dog too, but I don't think this is the place to post his picture.


And that is why this is in the General area. and my understanding is that it's for more then just model cars. B) So lets see your dogs Gary :rolleyes:

What's with the two differently colored eye's on the cat? I see one gold, and one red?

Yeah he has one green eye and one yellow eye, but the flash made them look gold & red.

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And that is why this is in the General area. and my understanding is that it's for more then just model cars. B) So lets see your dogs Gary :rolleyes:

What's with the two differently colored eye's on the cat? I see one gold, and one red?

Yeah he has one green eye and one yellow eye, but the flash made them look gold & red.

Just because this is the general section doesnt mean we can post whatever about whatever, now I have gotten away from that and I will be the first to tell you that, so that being said, this is a Model Car Forum, not pictures of anything. So please dont jump alover those who try to tell you that.

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Actually the guys who've said that this isn't the place to post photos of your cats and dogs are right... this isn't the place for that.

Animal lovers or not, this is a model cars site. I'm sure there are plenty of pet forums out there that would welcome photos of your pets. And there are scrapbooking forums for scrapbookers, and stamp forums for stamp collectors, etc.

Personally I have more interests than just model cars... but I don't post anything about my other hobbies here because this isn't the place for it. There's no harm in posting the occasional off topic subject, as long as it's at least sort of related to cars somehow... and I'll admit I'd be the first to click on it and read it... but let's cool it with the Fluffy and Fido photos for now. All your pet pix are cute as heck, but can we get back on topic now?

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Well I wanna thank everyone who posted there pets, made my day to see that we dont all live by plastic alone, so here are a couple of mine,

This is Missy the dog, had here for about 7 years, been a canaval dog, and lived in a motorhome for about three years, when we had nothing, been the best friend I've ever had, and is still standing strong




And this is Toast the kitty, found her in a trunk of a car I was crushing, she was no bigger then a drop of water, so I brought her home and she has been stealing model tires, and parts, for about the last 4 years, and hiding them in the litter box



Thanx every one for shareing :lol:

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I would post my pics of my Chuy boy who my wife found by the highway .But dont want to stir the pot anymore and as for Fujimi lover talking about the kitten dying . it does suck have had it happen several times myself but

time to play in the plastic


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A few years ago while I was home alone, I had our family cat, Smudge die on me. She was a great faithful OLD cat and she just simply died of old age. Earlier in the day she wanted to be in my lap and for some reason I shood her away, when I think of it, I wish I hadn't shoved her away as I think she was trying to say good bye. Later that day I found her dead under our piano. I was sad the rest of the week.

I also had a Shelty that I loved dearly a few years ago. Named him Quinn after the character on the tv show Sliders. Again, I was home alone with the three family dogs, and Quinn had passed away durring the night. I was really upset the rest of the day but fortunetly, the other two dogs comforted me. Pet's are so nice to have as they know when your upset and when you need'em.

I really enjoy having my cat Sony, she's the greatest pet I've ever had and I hope she lives to be a very old cat. Plus, she's in charge of my Dad's new dog! :lol:

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I might have been a bit fat but I could run and if I couldn't catch the flaming cat I'd bark at it and it would just die of fright, that's how loud my woof was.


My name was Kramner (pronounced Kramer) I passed away in 1986 of cancer aged 6yrs

2 yrs before I died of cancer I almost drowned when I fell from the back of a boat on a river, I sank and didn't come back up for at least 30 seconds a long time for a dog under water, my owner Dingo thought he had lost me for good but no luck for him it took more than water to kill me in the end. WOOF.

Dingo ;)

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