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I like Acryl better for brushing, actually. It seems a little heavier and coats better. I've been able to put it over plastic with no primer and have it cover very well.

I also like Tamiya and will use either. I haven't tried Acryl in an airbrsuh yet, but it's supposed to be pretty good, it may need to be thinned a little first, though.

Charlie Larkin

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I just bought some of the Testors Acrylic to try out. I love it. Ive been using it with an airbrush though so I cant really tell you how it would be with a brush. I like it though because it dosnt smell to bad and I can thin it with water.

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Thanks for the replys.

JPR, I thought I heard that the Testors weren't toxic or something like that. Not that acrylics are as bad as oil based paints but I know your not really suppose to breath much of the Tamiya acrylics.

Your right they are non toxic. I use them in a very well vented area but you can still smell them somewhat when you take of your mask or when they are drying but its no where near as bad as oil based. What I was getting at was you could paint in a garage with a few windows open and the whole garage wouldnt smell for days because of it. Still as you said a mask is a very good idea even with them.

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Ya, like I say even acrylic paints are not that good for you. They just don't need solvents. Being ablt to use water is their high point. I haven't looked into it yet but something someone said before gave me the impression the Testors were better that way. I may be wrong. You know, like craft paints. They are practically harmless. Although I haven't tried eating them yet.

I was mostly wondering if people found them to brush paint better.

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