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Series 1 Daytona Coupe


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Hey All. first post so I'll see if a can do this right.

current project is a Shelby Series 1 with a roof added to mimic the classic "daytona coupes"

I am also trying my hand at a little high detail with this one and adding the supercharger option.

the supercharger is a very rare factory option from Shelby and reference pics were very hard to find.

I hope you like it and any comments are welcome.

making the roof form


engine painted up


making coilover shocks


the roof molded out of 0.040" styrene sheet and almost ready for primer


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Top looks good on it.

Did ya Vacuum form it?

no vacuum form box yet, but after the amount of work to get the roof acceptable smooth after I formed it I'll probable be making one.

I made the balsa wood buck for and shaped it until I was happy with it. Than I removed approx. 0.040" of material off the top so that when I heated the 0.040" styrene sheet it would have the same shape as the original buck. I removed the balsa from the model and made a larger than I needed piece of styrene and heated it with a heat gun and draped it over the buck form and after it cooled I trimmed it until it mated with the original body.

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I really like the roof lines Darin. it more closely follows the classic daytona coupe shape. also the transition from the door to the rear side windows is perfect.

Thank you. My inspiration was my love for the original daytona coupes. I also wish I had vacuformed the roof as I did a lot of filling and sanding too. I can't really take credit for the lines ans I simply took the design of the original and scaled it to the series one. I like the design of yours too. it's a much more modern interpretation, much like the viper coupe was inspired by the daytona coupes but weren't a copy of them. yours is definately a more original design.

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A few years ago I began this conversion and never finished it. This is the top from the C5 Corvette Hardtop grafted onto the Series One. I always thought it “worked†on the car….but that’s where it ended.

Peter, how is it that you and I are always working on similar projects at the same time. It's interesting how much we think alike.

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You are right Darin, I guess we just see what "is" and wonder what "if"! That is one of the best things about modeling...the ability to reshape the current into the possible future for under $20.00.

Back in my "accounting" days, I used to really enjoy building Lotus, then Excel spreadsheets so I could load in financial data, then change a few factors to play "what if" with the numbers.....it's really not that much different than model building.

I have reached the point where I don't think I am capable of building a kit without extensive modification to it. Stupid as this may sound, I now look at kits in the store as purely "doner" kits for another different project.

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