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1949 Mercury Kustom


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Ok, I needed to start something to vent my frustration with my li'l "Accident" with my JWAC build. So I dug around in the bottom of my box and pulled out this project. I wanted to get a direction of where I was headed before I posted it in too many places. Now that the direction has been established let's get started shall we?

Ok, Straight from the "Junk Yard" it looked pretty odd. Thought possibly a botched Desoto or possible Ford Promo, then figured out it was a 1949/50 Mercury by the roof and front end. After a bath in the sink and a quick 48 hours in the deep freezer, it came out lookin' rather stranger than before. Culprit? Toothpaste! YES!, Somebody used Toothpaste as Bondo and it was flakier than Testors Putty (pun intended). After pulling everything apart and I mean EVERYTHING. I found out it was sectioned and cut up pretty bad. Thought about trashing it and starting over. Then it hit me. It's plastic and plastic can be brought back to life! So this Greaser at Heart's light bulb popped and it was set into motion.

Bought at a yard sale for .50 cents in three rather large boxes of parts, what nots, and what have yous. This is what I started with:



The Name Humpty Dumpty came about as I was tryin' to "Put Together Again" this poor car. This is where we are now:

Putting the Sections back together after a "Section" Job.



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........Continued from Previous Post.

So we got Humpty Dumpty Back together again.



We hacked out the botched arches and installed 57 Ford Arches to give the tires ample room to move.


Playin' with a few ideas:

57 Chrysler 300 Front Bumper for the rear?



NAH! Too Bulky! So let's look at the front and go from there!!?

Ok, "Cant Eyed" headlights will do the trick and with that note lets do a custom roll pan in the rear for the taillights. Sounds like a plan.

Here's where we are now!

Marked and cut for Execution:


And Humpty's Nose Job is complete!



Once solid we'll tuck the front pan a li'l bit more for ground clearance sake and start on the rear end. Enjoy!! B)

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you gotta tell us more about the toothbondo!!!

Did it really work?

The only thing I can say about the Toothpaste Bondo trick was it held together only because there was layers of Red Oxide and Black Primer over it along with some Cheap-O Silver Paint. Once it hit the water bath I noticed the body started to disform and once in the deep freezer it jus' came apart like a dry snowball. Funnier yet it was still "Minty" to the smell. It might work on small wall holes to get your deposit back but not on a model car! LmAo Trus' me I didn't do it! It was already done before I got it. B)

Edited by Tumbler75
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Here's gonna be my next trick. :rolleyes: Making my own skirts to conform to the rear of the car. Kinda going for a "Show Car" from the 50's. Kinda Krazy, Kool, and Kreative! I've also "tucked" the front pan for clearance with the ground.

Front Pan Before Tuck:


Front Pan After Tuck:



You can also see where I started to round or conform the fenders to the front area.

Now here's where it's gonna get tricky. I'm doing a "Panel Pan" for the taillights and will also include a "Tube" grill like the front will get.

This is the start of the skirts and rear treatment:



Enjoy! :lol:

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