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TE27 Levin...Yeah, it's got a Hemi!


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Hey Ya'll new member here. I thought I'd start off with a build I've been working on for the last 2 1/2 years. I like to scratchbuild as much as I can...that's one of the reasons why I love Japanese model kits...90% of them are literally a blank canvas.

This build is based off of the classic Fujimi TE27 Levin. It's not really a bad kit, but I felt it needed some of my personal touches. My vision for this car is to replicate a late '70's- early '80's street machine. The owner, an American GI stationed in Japan had just got the car and wanted to turn it into a mean little red light to red light screamer. Not a lot of wild mods to this one just a few suspension and engine upgrades (nothing illegal according to Japanese law), along with a few personal touches.

Here is a list of work done so far:

Chassis- Removed molded in engine, rear portion, and modded it to accept new spring perches, and built up the engine bay area

Suspension- 98% scratchbuilt front and rear (I did re-use the kits' splash pan)

Interior- 95% scratchbuilt interior tub--new floor, center console, foot pedals, and door cards...narrowed front seats, and scratchbuilt seatbelts and buckles

Engine- Resin copy of my original 2T-G master, and T50 Transmission master

Here's a quick glance of work done so far:





My pride and joy...my 98% scratchbuilt 2T-G (I did use the Fujimi "TOYOTA"and "1600" scripts)and T50 Transmission


...and a couple of my other fuilly scratch built engines: 2T-C, and 22RE


Still a lot more to post, but all in due time.

Thanks for looking!

Edited by CrewDawg15
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First off welcome, and WOW! Scratchbuilt engines!! Those look great!

When I read your title I thought at first you were talking about shoving a 426 in that little tiny car! :lol: VERY interesting project!

................You've got to dig up (if you have them) progress pics of your engines being built!

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First off welcome, and WOW! Scratchbuilt engines!! Those look great!

When I read your title I thought at first you were talking about shoving a 426 in that little tiny car! :lol: VERY interesting project!

................You've got to dig up (if you have them) progress pics of your engines being built!

Don't feel bad, you're not the only one he fooled! :lol: Those engines are wonderful, do you sell them since you said this one is a resin copy of your master? Do you have any for Nissan Skylines? I'm not much for 'Yotas, except for a select few, but me does love a nice Skyline! :lol: Also, since I'm not that up on Toyota lingo, what exactly is the TE27 Levin? A Coralla? Supra maybe? I'm going to be watching this take shape no matter what.

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Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

MrObsessive...I do have a lot of build up pics, mostly just a bunch of random shots. I did build up a few collages of the 2/3T-C (the 2T-G uses about 75% of those parts), and my 22RE




Highway...I do cast copies of my engines in short runs. Unfortunately, all of my complete masters are of Toyota 4 cylinders. I did make a CA18DET, but I sent it off to another modeller to cast copies (before I learned how to) and never got it back. It's safe to say that I'll never see it ever again :lol:



I do have a KA24DE-T started, and have other Nissans in the planning stages.

The Levin is the sporty version of the Corolla coupe. It started out as an upgrade to the existing coupes, then it eventually evolved into its own model and styling.

Edited by CrewDawg15
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Yeah...A lot of hemi's out there, but people seem to think MOPAR first :D

After looking at a few more references, I realized that I had made my traction bars way too short ;) So I ripped off the first set and fabbed up a longer pair. I also added U-bolt detail (hard to see in the pic), and ran the fuel lines to the engine bay.



Now all I need to do is to install a set of shocks, and finish up the brake plumbing.

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that is looking very nice! um i gotta question, if i wanted to scratchbuild an engine... well several....... whats the easiest way to go about building it?

References, References, References...you can never have enough ;) Before I start an engine project, I measure the intended recipient's engine cavity. That way you can get your max parameters for the length, width, and height. You can always scale your engine off the 1:1 example, but if it dosen't fit, your back to square one. Like I mentioned earlier, start gathering as many reference pics as you can. I will surf the net for hours, and even days for front, side, top, and bottom pics of the subjet I'm building. Ebay, and Yahoo Autions Japan are great resorces for pics along with Google images. Also, google a factory service manual as well. They are loaded with drawings, and line views for those areas that you cannot find pics of.

I start off with my basic height, width, and length that I came up with when I measured my engine cavity. I them break the total size into basic components: Block, Head, Valve Cover, Oil Pan. Then I figure out my measurements using percentages of my total size requirements. I ususally start off with my block getting the basic shaped roughed in, and then adding details as I go along. Once that is done, I move onto the other parts...taking measurements all along the way, shaving a mm here or there until I reach my goal.

Another thing is to don't give up so easily. If it doesn't turn out the way you want, move on to other things and get back to it later. Almost all of my motors, and even this Levin has gone thru many evolutions. the more I look at my stuff, the more I can change something here and there to make it look even better.

Here's a few examples:

My first 2T-G (red valve cover)and tranny compared to my new one




FC3S 13B-RE Cosmo engine



Mitsu 4G63 and tranny (that one I will have to redo the tranny on...I made it too small B) )



The 4G63 is a good example of taking measurements... the first one I made was to exact scale, and it didn't fit the bay. The one picured is vesion 2 with another revision on the way.

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awsome, thank you very much, i greatly appricate it! well there is one group of engines i want to build, but the kit for the car they go in isn't made yet, Norm of RMOM(replicas and minitures of maryland) hasn't made them yet. and the other 5-6 engines, there isn't good detail pics of them and also the car kits DON'T even exist in plastic or resin kit form, so i have to scratch build the cars too for the other engines, ugh. so yeah this is going to take a long time, ugh. thank you very much, i greatl appricate it!

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What engine are you trying to build? I might be able to help you out with references (I've literally got thousands of reference pics, mainly of Japanese engines)

The weekends are just about the only time I get to model...I had a 4 day weekend so I got to work. I installed the rear shocks I had in my parts bin, painted red to resemble a set of Koni's. I also got the exhaust roughed in. I wanted it to resemble a system that you could order out of a JC Whitney,or Sears catalog. The main tubing is 2mm, with a 240Z style over/under style muffler made from Tamiya 5mm rod, and thin styrene strip. The tips are made of some tubing I had laying around. They are just temp installed for now...later on they will be cut at an angle just like a Z muffler is.





Plans are to make the tubing have slip joints with U-bolts holding them together. Thanks for looking

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that TE27 is looking nice. and well several engines.............. some are JDM( i have plenty pics of these engines, and also i had a car with one of the engines in it, so i know my way around 1 engine very well.) and the other cars/ with 5-6 engines are british..... so yeah, lol.

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Welcome aboard Jimmy! Glad to see you over here. I hope to see your engines in my mailbox tomorrow when I get home from work. Got a large shipment coming over from Japan just for the JDM build. One of the engines is planned for use in the build as well. I will post a review of the engines when I receive them.

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Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I've been surfing this forum for the last few days, tying to get a feel for the total picture. I used to exclusively post on SPC, but I felt is was time for a bit of variety...I'm amazed at the quality work being posted here.

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Thanks. At the time I was living in the UK, and everything over there cost an arm and a leg, so I really didn't try it. Once I got back to the States, I picked up an Alumalite starter set and have never looked back :D Actually, I took advantage of the 40% off coupon from Hobby Lobby and picked up some more mold rubber to make copies of my latest update.

I liked the wheels I had on it when I originally started this project, but over time I felt they were a tad too big for the look I was going for. I was going thru the Japanese Nostalgic Car forum Friday night to get some inspiration. I spotted a set of Techno Shadow wheels that I thought would look perfect for this build and the one I'm doing for the JDM build as well. I like to try new things so instead of clicking a mouse and having one sent to me, I decided to make a set on my own. I got my trusty Dremel and ground away the center portion of one of the kits stock steelies. I then made a new center section out of 0.5mm sheet, and used 0.75mm rod for the spokes. I used 0.75mm rod for the bolts, and the center cap & mounting point were cannibalized from a parts box wheel. At first I thought it would be a simple process...easier said than done :D Getting everything all centered up was a nuisance, but I finally got it after 6 tries.


It's not exactly the same as the original (the original rims have a little more meat to them), but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. After a few dunks in rubber, the Levin will have a full set of these to ride on.


Thanks for looking.

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