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michael,Right now I am in the middle of building a custom cord , what is the red and gold kit because I wish I had a roof with mine ...Pretty cool !

the red & gold was bought as a parts kit its the 72 monogram kit i didnt expect it to be so clean all i bought it for was the roof <_<

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Ok..I read the other thread where you wanted constructive criticism. I didn't look at this thread initially because Cords are not my thing so I had passed it over. So now I took a look and here are my thoughts...

On the blue model:

The windshield frame appears to fit poorly to the cowl

The hood fitment is really bad

Hard to tell but maybe glue on the windshield or hazing of some kind

Some of the photos are too blurry to see any detail

The corrugated lines connect to nothing under the hood

On the red model:

Hood fitment is bad

The rear end sits way too high

The exhaust is literally scraping the ground

The headlight covers fit poorly

Your red to gold colors demarcation line between the body and the rear fenders is ragged

The soft top doesn't fit the top of the windshield frame

There is some kind of vertical line in the front left fender paint

With the hood off, the corrugated lines end in space and aren't hooked up to anything

The cowl bracing ends in midair and isn't attached to anything. It's supposed to attach to another brace piece on top of the radiator

On the plus side:

Your paint appears to be pretty smooth...don't see a lot of orange peel in the paint

The wheel alignment appears good...the tires aren't tilted out of alignment and all 4 tires appear to be on the ground

Now I realize that these kits are pretty bad old tools, but your job as a modeler is to correct these bad parts if you wish to put photos of them up on a public forum and then ask for constructive criticism. However, I feel that these items I mentioned are fairly obvious and you probably already know about them.


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Ok..I read the other thread where you wanted constructive criticism. I didn't look at this thread initially because Cords are not my thing so I had passed it over. So now I took a look and here are my thoughts...

On the blue model:

The windshield frame appears to fit poorly to the cowl

The hood fitment is really bad

Hard to tell but maybe glue on the windshield or hazing of some kind

Some of the photos are too blurry to see any detail

The corrugated lines connect to nothing under the hood

On the red model:

Hood fitment is bad

The rear end sits way too high

The exhaust is literally scraping the ground

The headlight covers fit poorly

Your red to gold colors demarcation line between the body and the rear fenders is ragged

The soft top doesn't fit the top of the windshield frame

There is some kind of vertical line in the front left fender paint

With the hood off, the corrugated lines end in space and aren't hooked up to anything

The cowl bracing ends in midair and isn't attached to anything. It's supposed to attach to another brace piece on top of the radiator

On the plus side:

Your paint appears to be pretty smooth...don't see a lot of orange peel in the paint

The wheel alignment appears good...the tires aren't tilted out of alignment and all 4 tires appear to be on the ground

Now I realize that these kits are pretty bad old tools, but your job as a modeler is to correct these bad parts if you wish to put photos of them up on a public forum and then ask for constructive criticism. However, I feel that these items I mentioned are fairly obvious and you probably already know about them.


WOW!!! you really out of your way on those comments BUT GUESS WHAT! they dont start up and you cant drive them either but thanks anyway B)

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I would say the same thing. You asked for people to comment and give constructive criticism. Take it well when you get what you ask for. They are pretty good looking models other than what was mentioned above. Nice paint job.


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WOW!!! you really out of your way on those comments BUT GUESS WHAT! they dont start up and you cant drive them either but thanks anyway :D

Apparently you weren't all that serious about wanting "constructive criticism" because everything Terry mentioned is valid. Considering that he can build at this level and you can't, why not try and learn what it takes to get that good instead of just expecting two pages of compliments for everything you post?


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(Dons Flame suit and gets hot dogs ready).

You wanted constructive criticism and once you got it, you respond poorly to it? It seems to bring to mind someone else here who has THE SAME attitude, and I refuse to comment on their builds for that reason. Terry has very valid points in all of his findings and presents them in a civil manner. If you would prefer, we could either completely ignore your builds (of which we see you cannot take), or we can blatantly and bluntly put our findings (again, seeing your reaction to this well put constructive criticism shows you couldn't handle). My advice, find some humility and humbly accept the criticism and use it to advance your skills. If you can't do so, keep posting your builds WITHOUT asking for the 'criticism' and be happy with the responses you do get.

Now, I agree with what Terry has posted and commend him for his civility; I am far more cruel. But then again, I rarely finish any builds I start (due to my desire for absolute perfection), so take it as you will.

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Yup. Pretty much have to agree with the responses.

You asked for criticism. You've seen what others post in the "Under Glass" section. You've seen your own work. You had to know there might be criticism coming...again, criticism that you solicited.

Few, if any, of the folks here wake up in the morning geared to maliciously assault someone's work. If anything, one of my peeves is that people here and on other boards are way too nice and too inclined to use words like "beautiful" or "awesome" when stroking a builder who posted something that is (even to the untrained eye) clearly neither.

If you are building models solely for your own enjoyment (which is the best way) and you are satisfied with the results, then criticism should neither be solicited nor should it matter when volunteered.

I like the subjects you built. I also like the idea of building them in two completely different styles. I'm also a fan of kit-bashing to scrounge parts as you did on the red/gold car. Your paint work shows real promise but the quality of the photos makes it difficult to offer any recommendations to help in that area. It is obvious you enjoy building and I think you have a hot rodder's eye...all of which is commendable and will serve you well in the hobby!

You will realize improvements in your work by taking some additional time test-fitting parts. If they look cattywampus "in the raw" they're not going to look any different in paint...except they'll be painted. And permanent.

Take a little extra time to clean up parts (mold lines, etc.) and use the most difficult tool a builder needs during sub- and final assembly: patience.

As far as the photography goes, almost every model of digital camera on the planet has a macro setting. Use it. You will also find taking photos outdoors (but not in direct sunlight) will help in almost every case, regardless of whether you're using a digital camera, cell phone, disposable or SLR camera.

Lastly, you would be well served to develop a little thicker skin about criticism, especially when you ask for it. You also need to heed the criticisim and take it to heart, because it will ultimately do nothing but help you.

I honestly hope this helped.

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Apparently you weren't all that serious about wanting "constructive criticism" because everything Terry mentioned is valid. Considering that he can build at this level and you can't, why not try and learn what it takes to get that good instead of just expecting two pages of compliments for everything you post?

thanks for your reply BTW looking at your pic the left rear wheel is not straight and the left rear fender is not flush to the body but nice paint job :)

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(Dons Flame suit and gets hot dogs ready).

You wanted constructive criticism and once you got it, you respond poorly to it? It seems to bring to mind someone else here who has THE SAME attitude, and I refuse to comment on their builds for that reason. Terry has very valid points in all of his findings and presents them in a civil manner. If you would prefer, we could either completely ignore your builds (of which we see you cannot take), or we can blatantly and bluntly put our findings (again, seeing your reaction to this well put constructive criticism shows you couldn't handle). My advice, find some humility and humbly accept the criticism and use it to advance your skills. If you can't do so, keep posting your builds WITHOUT asking for the 'criticism' and be happy with the responses you do get.

Now, I agree with what Terry has posted and commend him for his civility; I am far more cruel. But then again, I rarely finish any builds I start (due to my desire for absolute perfection), so take it as you will.

if you never finish any builds you start you shouldnt comment on anybody elses have a great day :)

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Yup. Pretty much have to agree with the responses.

You asked for criticism. You've seen what others post in the "Under Glass" section. You've seen your own work. You had to know there might be criticism coming...again, criticism that you solicited.

Few, if any, of the folks here wake up in the morning geared to maliciously assault someone's work. If anything, one of my peeves is that people here and on other boards are way too nice and too inclined to use words like "beautiful" or "awesome" when stroking a builder who posted something that is (even to the untrained eye) clearly neither.

If you are building models solely for your own enjoyment (which is the best way) and you are satisfied with the results, then criticism should neither be solicited nor should it matter when volunteered.

I like the subjects you built. I also like the idea of building them in two completely different styles. I'm also a fan of kit-bashing to scrounge parts as you did on the red/gold car. Your paint work shows real promise but the quality of the photos makes it difficult to offer any recommendations to help in that area. It is obvious you enjoy building and I think you have a hot rodder's eye...all of which is commendable and will serve you well in the hobby!

You will realize improvements in your work by taking some additional time test-fitting parts. If they look cattywampus "in the raw" they're not going to look any different in paint...except they'll be painted. And permanent.

Take a little extra time to clean up parts (mold lines, etc.) and use the most difficult tool a builder needs during sub- and final assembly: patience.

As far as the photography goes, almost every model of digital camera on the planet has a macro setting. Use it. You will also find taking photos outdoors (but not in direct sunlight) will help in almost every case, regardless of whether you're using a digital camera, cell phone, disposable or SLR camera.

Lastly, you would be well served to develop a little thicker skin about criticism, especially when you ask for it. You also need to heed the criticisim and take it to heart, because it will ultimately do nothing but help you.

I honestly hope this helped.

thank you i do respect your reply im not really into building these kind of kits it was just an itch to build the cord i didnt expect them to come out perfect i only expected 1 or 2 comments for my first time building these cars i probably will stick to building what i normally build. thanks again :)

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Ok..I read the other thread where you wanted constructive criticism. I didn't look at this thread initially because Cords are not my thing so I had passed it over. So now I took a look and here are my thoughts...

On the blue model:

The windshield frame appears to fit poorly to the cowl

The hood fitment is really bad

Hard to tell but maybe glue on the windshield or hazing of some kind

Some of the photos are too blurry to see any detail

The corrugated lines connect to nothing under the hood

On the red model:

Hood fitment is bad

The rear end sits way too high

The exhaust is literally scraping the ground

The headlight covers fit poorly

Your red to gold colors demarcation line between the body and the rear fenders is ragged

The soft top doesn't fit the top of the windshield frame

There is some kind of vertical line in the front left fender paint

With the hood off, the corrugated lines end in space and aren't hooked up to anything

The cowl bracing ends in midair and isn't attached to anything. It's supposed to attach to another brace piece on top of the radiator

On the plus side:

Your paint appears to be pretty smooth...don't see a lot of orange peel in the paint

The wheel alignment appears good...the tires aren't tilted out of alignment and all 4 tires appear to be on the ground

Now I realize that these kits are pretty bad old tools, but your job as a modeler is to correct these bad parts if you wish to put photos of them up on a public forum and then ask for constructive criticism. However, I feel that these items I mentioned are fairly obvious and you probably already know about them.


I noticed the same issues as this post. If alittle more time would have been taking on assembly and better masking, I personally think they would have came out better, the burgundy and gold, just isn't that appealing to me.Good job though on hard to build kits. :)
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Well, just because I don't finish doesn't mean I do not possess the skill set to build or have the capacity to look at other builds and objectively critique. I thank you for your opinion, but I do believe it carries a slight bit of irrelevence as you asking for criticism and then getting huffy when some give it takes away from your own credibility. This, of course, is only my opinion......(this was kept within the confines of modest free speech, free from anger and the overpowering urge to tell it like it is. As I said, I can be cruel when pushed).

If you would like to see who you are dealing with, take a look down in the FOX CBP thread. I'm sure my 'unfinished' builds will be quite on par with your finished pieces......and you can search the 'on the workbench' section for more. Like I said, I may not finish many, but I do possess the ability to build quite well. I believe my comments are quite justified and carry just as much weight and worth to be here as anyone else' do. Thank YOU and carry on building.

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I noticed the same issues as this post. If alittle more time would have been taking on assembly and better masking, I personally think they would have came out better, the burgundy and gold, just isn't that appealing to me.Good job though on hard to build kits. B)

thanks steve i always respect your replies ill most likley stick to my 60,s & 70,s cars :)

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While I agree with Terry's original comments, I can't help but feel that exposing them to the whole forum, may be a little embarrassing and discouraging for the builder. Certainly the comments expressed will(?) help for future builds, so from that standpoint they should be taken as Constructive. But perhaps a better way may be to send a PM?

We all need constructive criticism and ideas to improve our builds. But perhaps in a kinder and less public way?

I have mixed feelings, though. Just a thought.

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While I agree with Terry's original comments, I can't help but feel that exposing them to the whole forum, may be a little embarrassing and discouraging for the builder. Certainly the comments expressed will(?) help for future builds, so from that standpoint they should be taken as Constructive. But perhaps a better way may be to send a PM?

We all need constructive criticism and ideas to improve our builds. But perhaps in a kinder and less public way?

I have mixed feelings, though. Just a thought.

He asked for comments.

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He asked for comments.

i now see how all the comments now will be bad nobody noticed the effort and time put into these 2 cars not even one comment until i made a big deal about it i asked for comments because ive never built these kinda cars before i didnt ask for stupidity its sad to see that all you guys operate on one mind nobody speaks for themselves they just follow the other guy :)

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The main theme of the constructive criticsm offered was that a bit more time and effort would have produced more pleasing results.

As far as workmanship- it's tough to see how the subject matter is relevent- awkwardly fitting parts, color choices that may not be appealing to many and even was seems to be sloppy photography will bring similar reponses whether the model is a 30s Cord or popular muscle car.

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i now see how all the comments now will be bad nobody noticed the effort and time put into these 2 cars not even one comment until i made a big deal about it i asked for comments because ive never built these kinda cars before i didnt ask for stupidity its sad to see that all you guys operate on one mind nobody speaks for themselves they just follow the other guy :D

Mike, if you didn't want honest comments about your builds,you shouldn't have asked for them, plain and simple. Sometimes bad kits can make the builder look bad no matter how much effort they put into them. Stick with building good kits and try to avoid those bad kits until you think you're ready to tackle one. How would you critique the Cords you built if they weren't yours? That's how I try to look at mine if I contemplate entering them into a show. I say things about my own builds that I would never say to anyone else.

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