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vote best car (chase) movie ever// the most fun

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I liked the chase scene in a early seventies movie called Brewster Mcloud.

I caught the chase, and wing :( ,scenes of that about 20 years ago, early afternoon and I woke up to it(Camaro,Roadrunner and a couple others IIRC), have been trying to get my hands on it ever since..always hard to find and pretty expensive on VHS, $80 from one guy ;):blink: ...finally came out on DVD within the last year or so but still around $30....maybe the fathers day givers will take my hints :(

some of my favorites

Vanishing Point-just does it for me for some reason and about the only movie I can put on just to listen to...the driving music reminds me of the first couple of Desert Sessions albums...or vice versa

Dirty Mary Crazy Larry-has some of the greatest driving in it and no fast forward scenes

Gone in 60 seconds(Halicki)-Great chase/destruction scenes.

Smokey and the Bandit 1- Very fun, even with too many fast forward scenes it's still a great one-this and Dukes of Hazzard were great "learn to drive" video's for a certain 13 year old Iowa boy

Gumball Rally is pretty good, way better than Cannonball Run. Crank up the surround sound, the Cobra Ferrari chase in the LA riverbed is worth it even if the rest of the movie was terrible(which it wasn't)

Mad Max/Road Warrior-always great ones in my book and plenty of destruction

Blues Brothers was fun and I've always wanted to drive through a mall :(

Junkman-not nearly as good as Gone in 60, seemed like he was trying to outdo himself and showoff his impressive toy collection, some great stunts and real life close calls, but I can't get past using that Cadillac for a vehicle, even front wheel drive IIRC

Bullitt-finally replaced my VHS copy with DVD a few weekends ago and watched it twice since. I've gotta say that I forgot how disappointed I was with the chase, especially with all the hu-bub about it. It's not that's it's terrible by any means, but hardly the "greatest chase scene" that I've heard it called many times. The Mustang and Charger are pretty cool but I'll take any of the above(except Junkman)over this one any day.

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Bullitt, Gumball Rallye, Several Bond movies - 2CV rolling down the hill, Mustang on 2 wheels, Hornet airborne barrel roll and a flying Matador, Lotus into water, etc., French Connection, Italian Job, Blues Brothers, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry, Smokey and the Bandit, Vanishing point, and too many more to list...biggrin.gif

Oh...one more...White Lightning - Reynolds as Gator...brown 4 door LTD, big motor, and steel wheels...flying and landing on a barge...

Bullitt I think makes so many lists because it is regarded as the first car chase in the movies. The TV show Streets of San Francisco had a few short chases with airborne cars!

On a child friendly level like Cars, there is also the Herbie Movies...Lots of fun stunts with the #53 Beetle!!

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Ahmmmm... "Unstoppable"? But I don't see William Shatner in that or any movie with Denzel where a Train is involved. At any rate, I did not see Unstoppable so I cannot make any comparisons.

But, that said, "The General" was made in 1927. All the stunts are genuine, dangerous and live. No computer animation! The action is good, the comedy well thought out and if one puts it into perspective of today. Totally impossible for Hollywood to produced anything this well done ever again.

That's the one, this actor was the one that played Kirk in the recent Star Trek prequil movie. I'll have to see if there are clips of The General on YouTube tonight.

Has anybody ever mentioned the movie "Driver", I'm having a brain fart on that one. It's got a great chase scene between a Trans Am and a supped up C10 stepside.

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Yup, you guys mentioned most of mine already (Bullitt, Ronin, Vanishing Point, Death Proof, Dirty Mary, etc....)

Here's a few ya'll missed tho......

1: The Car - pre-Christine and after The Duel. A George Barris nightmare....


2: The Transporter - REALLY SHOCKED no one mentioned this one.

3: The Matrix: Reloaded - pure adrenaline chase scene on the open highway through oncoming traffic.

4: Cannonball Run movies - Gumball Rally was finally mentioned, but no one said this one yet.

5: The Dukes Of Hazzard - Retarded remake, but the Charger steals the show every time.

6: Most of the 007 movies - Spy Who Loved Me in the Lotus car/sub. ;)

7: The Love Bug - grew up on this....

8: Freebie and the Bean - where The Blues Brothers writers got their car chase ideas from.

9: Death Race 2000 - with Carradine and Stallone. Better just open up the top of your head, set your brain in a box by the end table, and veg out on this one!!!

10: Hooper - can't mention Smokey and the Bandit without this one.

11: The Last Chase - corny movie with Lee Majors, but where else are you gonna see a race car/Sabre jet faceoff?

12: Akira - YES. It's a cartoon movie. Rival gang bikers slogging it out in downtown Tokyo at reckless speeds.....

13: Speed - bomb-loaded bus. Nice.

14: Die Hard With A Vengeance - Simon says...

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  • 6 months later...

I cant agree with most on the original "60 sec", It might win for the longest single chase, but I didnt feel it was real "exciting". I thought the newer version was better, but that might be due to the fact that it came out when I was about that age of a punk kid..

But I was noticing, and maybe I missed it, but no one mentioned " Two lane black top"

Most of the movie was the Goat running after the 55... B)

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The Original "Gone in 60 Seconds".

"Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry".

Dare I say it: I even thought some of the "Elvis" movies about him driving race cars had some good footage: at least seeing real cobras and the Super Cobra was cool.

"Bullitt" of course- except - after watching it about 2000 times I finally realized a lot of the scenes are the same scene, shot from different angles. Same cars on the road going downhill, same parked cars, etc. Watch it and keeps your eyes peeled for the VW that keeps showing up during the "HILLS" part.

But, stiil is one of the best ever to watch. Love the part on the open highway.

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i can get past the bad acting and just plain stupidity of the plot/dialogue/director but i draw the line at having to listen to a barague of cussing

It's Aqua Teen Hunger Force...one of the silliest wastes of air time...they probably figured the swearing couldnt make it any worse

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