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StraightlineModelrs reputation...

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Since Marc Nellis stated that we should Not believe things we hear on or about Straightlinemodelers.

I have to Post .

I have been a Member with that group since 1999 after Roy Sorenson sent me an email about them. I was welcomed to that group and the Names of Modelers that were then was great. I had met a few of them at the GSL in 97.

More and More People joined and the Names kept running up.

Ok I felt it better not to name Names here But the Owner of the SLM is Dan Himmel. also a member is Don Fahrni I had seen their Models In the Mags and was enjoying communicating with nthem Via email about Tips and How to's. I learned alot form being a member there and I still am.

But for One that is not a member to say that we should not believe thibgs said On there..I have to step In.. Marc i have met You too and I enjoy the times we have talked. But to believe what One tells You Is No Basis for Judgement. as someoen stated here get Both sides before Judging for Yourself.

As far as that Goes I will Just sign Off for Now.

Digg Dug

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I am one of the modelers that has been driven away. There is a certain clique there and you are either in or you are not in. There is a lot of good builders over there with a lot to share but don't share if you aren't in the circle. So I chose to quit the group a few years ago. Thats just my experience with Straightline modeler.


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Considering that to many this seris of attack auctions and message board rants will be many modelers first impression of "straight line modelers" I would be very concerned over the reputation that group is getting. Negativity has driven me from a couple of boards lately, and while i have intrest in the subject, this current situation almost guarantees I won't be visiting SLM anytime soon.

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Darin and Charlie,

I'm sorry you feel that way. As a member of SLM since it's inception, no one in the group has done anything to chase anyone away! We're always looking for enthusiatic model builders of the straight line variety. I'm sure there are other people on this forum that feel the same way. Gregg has done a lot in his publication to promote our group too.

Unfortunately Mr. Theune (reliable resin) had to be removed from the SLM group years ago because of his foul language and constant self-promoting. His opinion regarding this should be taken with a grain of salt.

Check out our website at :www/straightlinemodeler.org.

Jim Kampmann

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Its not that anyone has driven me away it was the whole experience that did. You see I tried to post on that board and show what I was doing and try to get advise or pointed in the right direction but the post would remain unanswered and get lost. Then someone that is a regular poster would ask the same or similar question and get a small book of answers. Most of the people were posting about some diorama that was a big what to do on the board at the time. It wasn't like I was asking hard questions or for parts, just some help. So after a while of looking for answers to my questions and getting none I just gave up and put it on web mode and checked for a while and found nothing so I just haven't returned and it has been about 2 years.


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Charlie... and Darin..

I am a Moderator at the SLM.

First Charlie...You were part of the MCL at One time too I recall , guess the same applies to that group too.

Sometimes Messages get Missed I know I have missed quite few until asked again.

We have new members joining all the time I don;t recollect them leaving and stating why they left.. But according to Don it was because of our opinions.. and Yes we do get Passionate over there > that some might misconstrue as Bitchin'.

But the sources available there are tremendous when combined.

Charlie .. some of My questions get Unanswered too. I attribute that to Others not seeing it or they Don't know. Sorry you feel that way about the Group.

I have a few other Venues for Info On drag racing and I use all of them when I need to. Thye are out there You Have to Look.. things do not come easy for alot of things..

Nuf said...


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Guys, don't mean to undermind SLM or MCL, but started a new topic called Drag Racing.

The reason I got off the two boards was not the fault of the board or members. I was getting hit with ads every time I tried to post something, this was due to Yahoo taking it over.

As you can see, I have no ads here, other than the FREE auction site, eModelCars.com

Shameless plug, I know.

Anyway, hope we can all just along.


You know I love you all!!!!!

Yes, even you Dwayne!


It's late, no wait, it's only 3:00 p.m., time to go to the beach


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Actually I am still a member of the Model Car List I think. I posted and lurked on that list for a long time just not enough time in the day to check lists, build models and go to work and do the family thing. If only I had a few extra hours.

As for SLM I was really turned off as I stated because the questions I was asking wern't being answered but if someone else asked they seemed to get answered. So I got frustrated and just hit web mode and said maybe another day. As for the builders over there they are top notch and I hope to someday be as good as they are

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I feel the need to weigh-in here. I recently joined SLM........and have found it to be a great source of support and info. I obviously can't speak for everyone, but I will tell you that posts that I've made asking for info, pics, etc., have been answered with scanned magazine articles, pics, information, and multiple offers (on and off the board) to help in any way possible. One member, whom I have never met, nor even heard of before, is "snail mailing" hardcopy of some info that I need for a project.......at his expense!

I think SLM is a source of great value to an old drag fan like myself, and I'm glad I found it. Anyone who draws conclusions as to SLM as a whole based on what ANYONE says or does, is being just a little too judgemental, IMO.

Oh, and as for the incident that started this whole mess........I've bought from most all of the resin cast guys before (including RR, recently).......and when I get an item that I feel is not worthy of what I paid for it........I simply log that as a lesson learned, and that caster will get no more of my money. But, of course, that's just MY way of dealing with it............as for everyone, or anyone else........hey, it's a free country!


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Guys, don't mean to undermind SLM or MCL, but started a new topic called Drag Racing.

The reason I got off the two boards was not the fault of the board or members. I was getting hit with ads every time I tried to post something, this was due to Yahoo taking it over.

As you can see, I have no ads here, other than the FREE auction site, eModelCars.com

Shameless plug, I know.

Anyway, hope we can all just along.


You know I love you all!!!!!

Yes, even you Dwayne!


It's late, no wait, it's only 3:00 p.m., time to go to the beach


Gregg I understand why You Left those groups.

and yes I feel the Love all the way here In the Midwest...LOL.. Beach?? surfboards?? ahh that what I miss about California.

Santa Cruz.. maverciks surf competition..


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so that I might more understand what you people are talking about, I tried to avail my self to SLM. All I could get was a mention of a '57 Chevey model built for a contest in the past. I could find nothing in line with subjects or various threads concerning models and their building. What gives ?


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Well, I guess it's time to throw my considerable size into the mix, too. I am a member of the Straight Line Modelers group, and I know several of the members personally. Charlie, you know me really well! And Jim Kampman and I have known each other for years from the shows and contests in Milwaukee and Toledo, as well as through SLM. I agree with what Jim and Cruzn have said, you don't always get an answer to every question, Charlie, but you know that when you've posted pics of your models that you've always had positive responses. I'll be the first to admit that I don't get to respond to all of the mail on SLM, sometimes I have to delete it to stay caught if I get behind!

I took exception to the way EVERYONE was lumped together by the guy from Reliable Resin & called a liar, an a***ole, and and a few other things not worthy of reprinting here. I haven't purchased from the guy, so I have no first-hand knowledge of his work, BUT, I do know what I have seen- and what I have seen IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS, not the last four years as has been mentioned, so I won't bother to buy his products. I've seen the wheels that were so heavily flashed over that it would have taken 5 hours to clean up. I also won't buy from him as I know FOR A FACT that he has BLATANTLY STOLEN the design for the Barton Hemi Super Stock intake from the master designed by Bud Lefevre.

That's my $0.02,

Al Maciejewski

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To whom this may concern & ALL interested !

#1 > Fact....... that Barton Rat Roaster was MASTERED BY: Don Fahrni !

#2 > I'm VERY BUSY here, fulfilling Orders & do Not have time to reply to ALL OF THE FALSE ACCUSATIONS being perpetuated by the immoral minority ( over there on SLM )

#3 > This NONSENSE ( yes Jim , you should know how that words spelt ! )

Is getting OLD , and from the looks of things , nothings changed since I & may other Good Modelers Left that group over 5 years ago

#4 > As far as SLM , I left that Group , not the other way around !

I Got Sick & Tired of 50 > 60 emails ( @ least ) in my email box "a Day" that had Nothing to do w/ Modeling what so ever. After all isn't that what the intent of these Mes. Brds are for > Building Models , not a Hen House / Sewing Circle ?

As of late, even Current members are getting Sick & Tired of what's "going on " over there & the pleas from these members to Move On continue to go Unheard (after 5 years)

#5 > Many a Good Modeler has ALSO LEFT that group LONG AGO for similar reasons

#6 > Seems many members of the aforementioned group spend an awful amount of Time on the Computer & Less time actually building models

* All one has to do, is ................(as Darin did ) become a member & take a look at the Posts on SLM for the Last 3 Months !

I think Darin hit the nail on the Head :

( I'm new to this Board & don't know how to do that *quote Fwd thing > yet :lol:

Posted: Fri 13 Apr, 2007 6:31 am Post subject:

Darin Wrote :


Considering that to many this seris of attack auctions and message board rants will be many modelers first impression of "straight line modelers" I would be very concerned over the reputation that group is getting. Negativity has driven me from a couple of boards lately, and while i have intrest in the subject, this current situation almost guarantees I won't be visiting SLM anytime soon.


Enough already !

Let's get back to Posting Images of Works in Progress & Finished Builds

We shall be Posting Images of Builds Very Soon .......... I'll allow the work to speak for it's self


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Well, I guess it's time to throw my considerable size into the mix, too. I am a member of the Straight Line Modelers group, and I know several of the members personally. Charlie, you know me really well! And Jim Kampman and I have known each other for years from the shows and contests in Milwaukee and Toledo, as well as through SLM. I agree with what Jim and Cruzn have said, you don't always get an answer to every question, Charlie, but you know that when you've posted pics of your models that you've always had positive responses. I'll be the first to admit that I don't get to respond to all of the mail on SLM, sometimes I have to delete it to stay caught if I get behind!

I took exception to the way EVERYONE was lumped together by the guy from Reliable Resin & called a liar, an a***ole, and and a few other things not worthy of reprinting here. I haven't purchased from the guy, so I have no first-hand knowledge of his work, BUT, I do know what I have seen- and what I have seen IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS, not the last four years as has been mentioned, so I won't bother to buy his products. I've seen the wheels that were so heavily flashed over that it would have taken 5 hours to clean up. I also won't buy from him as I know FOR A FACT that he has BLATANTLY STOLEN the design for the Barton Hemi Super Stock intake from the master designed by Bud Lefevre.

That's my $0.02,

Al Maciejewski

I have some stuff coming from reliable resin that I ordered a few weeks back, I tell you what when I open the boxes I will shoot some pictures of what I got, just as it comes out of the box, and then we can all decide the quality of his current offerings and put this to rest.

As for the accusations of of stolen work, like I said in the "Auction" thread, lets see some pictures that show definitive proof. tooling marks, product reciepts, etc.

I'm really getting sick of people making accusations with no intent of showing proof, and this goes about accusing anyone. In the legal world nothing is real with out proof. You can see a guy standing over a dead body seconds after hearing the shot, but he can't be convicted without evidence.

So show me the proof, put up or shut up. The next post I see that accuses anyone of anything better have iron clad proof, otherwise I'll have to believe that you are all full of "hot air", (for lack of a word would get me banned.)

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But don't show 1 piece for offer and deliver another,I have a few resin pieces cast and will on the appropriate bosrd post pics if i can.just my 2 cents werth

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Welcome to the world of resin casting, Randy! Looking forward to your products! Just remember if you're going to use eBay as a selling tool, be sure to use a photo of the ACTUAL item up for auction, and be sure you have it in your possession, already cast, not WAITING FOR NEW MOLDS to be poured, and you'll do just fine!!

Al Maciejewski

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With due respect, Enough with this proof, tooling marks, etc. noise. Molds made from the same master will have different part lines, vent and sprue stubs, and other "tooling marks". The proof is in the size, shape, details, panel lines. etc. By continuing to say that we are whiners and that by us not personally sending you "proof"of the 3D plagiarism you are insulting at least 4 people who I have known for over 20 years each in this resin business. These are honest, hardworking people with very good reputations who haven't had cause to complain about other people stealing their work without permission because it hasn't happened until this person started doing it. I am certain you can cite some instance or another where Joe Blow copied Billy Bob's 58 Whatzit but no-one has done it in such a widespread manner and insisted so vehemently that it is his work and then admit out of the side of his mouth otherwise or contradicts himself in e-mails about the provenance of "his" work. If he was smart he would drop all of the stuff in his catalog that he copied from other resin casters.

I thought this issue was settling down but now Mr. Thuene and yourself have raised it up again! :twisted: It won't serve him well to do this. He is not an effective or compelling communicater. :oops:

If you can send me your e-mail address I will send you a series of images that I think will be fairly convincing. That is if you are open-minded about conclusions drawn.

Darin, I mean no offense to you and wish the best. Peace.

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