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1969 - "General Lee" Revell Dodge Charger


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Well, I came across another problem with the interior aside from a low rollbar, and at this late stage in the build I really can't do much about it. When I was scrounging in the 69 kit for the backing plate to the engine stand I happen to take notice of the seats, and it almost stopped me cold in this entire endeavour. Apparently the seats are different from the 68 and 69 kits as the correct 69 kit comes with separate headrests and seat patterns. But since DOH used so many different Chargers I feel comfortable leaving them the way they are since I would have to tear apart the entire interior to fix the mistake. I mean, I still have the complete 69 interior as well, BUT I don't have another CB radio to put in it, AND I need it for another build (it'll be in a black car). So, the rollbar and seats will get left the way they are. Just a caveat for those following behind me.

EDIT: Just went ahead and removed the rollbar, then glued painted styrene blocks where the mount points are and then glued everything back on. Height is more correct now, pics to come later.

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There is one episode, cant recall which one, that the camera was aimed at the back seat long enough to make out the '68 seat pattern

That will work just fine. Thanks!!!!

(Now the '68 Charger Assassin car from "Bullitt" will just have to have a '69 interior. You give, you get, I guess...)

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Ok... more pix...

BMF is done...



And here are the decals from Hazzardous, drying after a glaze from LDF... (NOT MEANT AS A RACIST PICTURE!!!)


Tim of Hazzardous told me they've been having trouble with their printer and printing white backgrounds, so the white part of the decal will go on first, then the colored one. A little more tricky, but I'll give the white ones at least 24 hours to dry before applying the colored ones.

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I've gotta agree with AgentG. The idea behind building any model is to have the viewer, at least for a moment, think that they are looking at the real thing. It looks like you have achieved that so far Allen. Who cares if the rear seat back matches the one I saw on TV? For those of you that do and wish to criticize a project because a Vector wheel has 12 fins, not 13, I say you have way too much time on your hands. Good job, Allen.

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Don't feel like that... it's not a competition. I like your work and want you to do your best!

Okay... brushed on Future over the white decals now that they've sufficiently dried. This will protect them for when I overlay the colored decals on top of them. No pics, will have more tomorrow.

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Thanks for the comments!

Okay. For those of you that have built any of the Revell '69 Chargers, I have a question...

How in the bloody blue BLAZES did you get the taillights to mount properly?!?!?!

I have actually taken an Xacto knife and tried to cut out the inside of the panel where the tails go in and I still can't get them to fit comfortably. I had to repaint the semi-gloss black part of the rear, and have to let it dry now before trying again. I have half a mind to cut the red plastic backing on the taillights and glue them directly to the panel.


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The tailights are on the wrong way, they glue in on the back side.

Well gee, Beav, I guess that explains a lot... :o Grrrrr........

Now I have to pull the panel apart, strip it, repaint it, and reassemble it. Good thing it hadn't made it on the model yet.

Now I can tolerate it when I make my own mistakes. But I can't tolerate it when the instructions tell me to do something and it's WRONG.

Thanks for the heads-up! ;)

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I agree. If someone hadn't pointed it out I wouldn't have known, then it would look stupid. Now it looks correct.

In addition, I didn't have to strip off everything on the rear panel, just clean it up in a few places and hide the rest of the mess with the chrome bumper. Pics when I finish it!

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A little update with pix...

Rear panel in and gluing...



Wipers in...


I'm still doing the little details around the car like mirrors, foglamps, and plates, but I'm also waiting on a pushbar and CB antenna to be sent from a guy on here (will be paying him today). Pix of his work look really good and are correct for this scale, so I can't wait to try them out.

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Well gee, Beav, I guess that explains a lot... :angry: Grrrrr........

Now I have to pull the panel apart, strip it, repaint it, and reassemble it. Good thing it hadn't made it on the model yet.

Now I can tolerate it when I make my own mistakes. But I can't tolerate it when the instructions tell me to do something and it's WRONG.

The instructions say to glue the taillights onto the outside of the rear panel??? :blink:

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(Emoticon indicating "this is turning out better than expected and certainly better than most General Lee builds that get posted on the internet" here.)

(Emoticon indicating that I don't have the appropriate emoticon to adequately express my feelings):


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