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Just when you thought I was done roaming the "WIP" halls, I'm back already. Couldn't wait to get started on the JJ Tribute hauler. The paint will be the same, basically decaled the same.

Not sure about wheels and tires, but, I guess I'm gonna need 8 of whatever they are.

This might take a while. Can you say, "Got Bondo?"

First pic is extended crew cab, second is bed / hauler platform, (pull out ramps will be on rack in bed under hauler ramp),

3rd is the whole enchilada, 4th is the "Dachsund" shot and finally, what's left over.


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Darn your eyes Luis !! I did not need a project attached to a project that's attached to another project. This is the worst idea to come down the pike since the previous worst idea to come down the pike.

So anyway, I'm thinkin' the front should be the BBQ since (wait for it) that's where the grille is, plus the windshield will make an excellent hinged cover for it. Then the back can be storage for coolers, supplies and ice. At least you can keep ice there until you fire up the grille. Needs a cover too. Hinged on the side maybe..........

If anyone gets annoyed because SOMEBODY just added a week or two to this build, I've set up a Hotline. That number in Cali is 1-800-HIT-LUIS.

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yes, darn them, darn them to heck O_x

haha, hey i just see some plastic that needs to be used... :lol: if not, then send it my way and in about mid november you can have a bbq grill.....lols..

by the way, i called that number, it doesnt work!! whuuuuut... :P

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Looks to be a very interesting build. Who's JJ?

That would be Jungle Jim Liberman. You can see the car build in On The Workbench and the completed model in Drag Racing. If you can't find them, let me know and I'll grab the links. Right now I'm busy working on Luis' stupid BBQ.

yes, darn them, darn them to heck O_x

haha, hey i just see some plastic that needs to be used... :lol: if not, then send it my way and in about mid november you can have a bbq grill.....lols..

by the way, i called that number, it doesnt work!! whuuuuut... :P

Naw, I'll handle it. I'd prolly get kicked off after harrassing you when you post pics of it.

I went to the 1-800 call center. They were taking the operator out on a stretcher cuz the switchboard overloaded and blew up. :o

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Looks like something I saw not too long ago...

leadbonnevillebossbj.jpg Without the rocket car of course...

Outstanding, now I need 10 wheels instead of 8 !! Not to mention the hydraulic ramp. Could you see Jungle firing up the car on the ramp, blip the motor to jump it over the cab into the staging lanes? Naw, too "Dukes of Hazzard."

That is soooooo kewl !!

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The Deora has been used as a base for so many different variations ever since it first came out!

A few months after it was first released guy here in town entered one that was extended into a custom car carrier.

It wasn't near as radical as what you are doing though! Just extended out back with dual rear axles and a finished wood cover that I believe he sat the custom car Cherry Pie on!

I remember seeing one in a magazine from the late 60's or early 70's. Can't remember what Magazine it was back then though.

Looking forward to seeing this one done! B)

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Nice project (key word PROJECT), you got going here, I'll be watching to see it get done. By the way, where's the BBQ at?

See that little trailer looking do-hickey made from leftover parts? Last picture in post # 11, just above your post.. BBQ grille in the nose, storage in the back.

Admire your gumption!

Thanx, Dog. Know where I can pick up some more gumption? I'm running low after starting this.

Starting on the frame and interior tub. Lots of room to play with. Might put in a hot tub. KIDDING !!!! But I am open to (inexpensive) ideas.


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That is a whole lotta "measure twice and cut once"!! Keep going, Joe!!

MEASURING ????!!!!???? I've heard of people using sticks with marks and numbers on them. Is that what you're talking about??

Sorry Tony, everything I do is "Eyeball Engineering" with a dash of Kentucky Windage thrown in for good measure. The only way I knew it wasn't plum on the first mock up was, when I laid it on the right side it felt flat. Then when I put it on it's other side, it was like a miniature rocking horse. It looked right, but no. I took a slice out of the seam between the wheel wells and it straightened right up.

So, out of 12 cuts (I did use tape to guide me), only one correction.

I'll do another update later with pics. Got the interior fitted and starting on the frame.

Thanx for peekin'.

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haha, the bbq is not in my hands, in my mind?? sure why not...lols joe didnt want me to get my hands dirty, so he's taking care of building the bbq.. :lol:

by the way, heres my address for any letters that you wish to send

1235 fake st

californication, ca 92337

oh and dont forget the number

toll free



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Okay, now that we've settled on a BBQ at Luis' this weekend (very generous of you sir, just pm your address to everyone on the site), I can get back to work.

Chassis started. If I didn't mention this before, the chassis is going to be "Curbside" style. No motor, straight axles on the rear with the POSSIBILITY of steerable front tires. Yep, all four of 'em. Maybe !! I picked up a Bag O' Gears by Stevens Intl. I'm at least going to try / experiment. Wish me luck.

The last pic is just in case you need a little help smiling today.


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I'm off to WalMart to buy more Gorilla glue. Luis' stupid BBQ trailer is soaking up my last reserves. What's left of the interior pit is now a BBQ pit. I'll make a grill for it.

The back end is where the goodies go. Aww, man, dang, I gotta make a spring / axle / frame / hitch too???!!!???

Well, going to Wally World is the best excuse I can come up with to stop work on it for the day and get on with some REAL MODEL building.


P.S. Wanna hear something funny? The spell checker in the reply box hi-lites WalMart as a misspelled word, but the link indentifier in the post hi-lites it as a good thing.


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