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Everything posted by crazyjim

  1. Trimmed the hedges and azaleas this morning. I'm osaked through and through with sweat. it is so darn humid.
  2. Excellent color choice.
  3. So that's what a '32 looks like stock.
  4. crazyjim

    BMW Z8

    Looking good.
  5. Sweet, clean, and SHINY (smily faces not working).
  6. I have 2 of those kits in the tin boxes.
  7. A small storm came through last night and knocked down a tree branch. It was about 8"diameter and brached out to at least 20'. Now it's cut up and dragged away. It was hard working it with the heat and very high humidity.
  8. Vry nice. You're really knocking them out lately.
  9. Looks good with those wheels.
  10. It is so darn humid down here in west central FLA. I'm lucky to get in an hour of yard work before I;m drenched in sweat. More tomorrow.
  11. Gorgeous build with outstanding engine details.
  12. Citrus Springs, FL. It's about 100 miles north of Tampa.
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