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Everything posted by crazyjim

  1. crazyjim

    57 gasser

    Awesome engine details and so SHINY 😀😀😀
  2. Thank you Steve and Bob. SHINY 😀😀😀 RULES
  3. If you can't blame the dentist who put it in, who can you blame? it's the dentists fault.
  4. Awesome build in SHINY 😀😀😀
  5. Sweet, clean, and SHINY 😀😀😀 with awesome pics.
  6. Thank you Ken and Bob.
  7. Thank you David, Trvor, Chris, Jeff, and Robert.
  8. Thnak you Michelle and Larry.
  9. Finished up my Buick Wildcat. except for the engine wiring it's built out of the box. paint is HOK tangelo pearl
  10. No snow in the forecast for west central Florida.
  11. Gorgeous car and SHINY 😀😀😀
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