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Well it's been afew weeks, my other pc systm cpu fn crashed so that system is down getting repair and I am using a new system right now. I been working on this project here and there.

I sctrach built the rear axle housing so far but made a mistake on the first one so I am going to build another one, I built two so far and with the one (first one have the mistake) I have the one yet. The rear axles are being design to really work like a real one and drive the model truck when finish.

Anyways here is afew photos.






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Thank you all for the kind comments, I'm working at the rear yet, building some stuff for the rear neway leafs. After I get the last axle housing built, I can then start to aline stuff and start putting stuff togother. I have alot of reff photos saved so I can see things from different angles and get the general idea of it all. My friend Mark knows alot about this kind of rig as well as Mack's is most favorite rigs and most of what he talks about when he visit's me.

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Hi you all, well still getting the hang of soldiering yet, that last night when I was getting ready to solder these things togother, my wife entered the room and started talking to me (LOL) that I guess I over heated the stuff and also added too much solder as well.

Anyways I went back we did some new neway rear leafs for the project here. I still have the last set to go yet, I have the already cut out just need soldered togother is all.





Edited by zerodude
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Ok, I have to say this

In my view you are using far far to much solder on this, and is certainly going to bite you later on

there is absolutely no need to use as much as you have on the frame or suspension parts

solder works by creating a bond between two surfaces, much like glue, and should be used in the same way as glue, but with the use of heat

It is very easy to solder, and to use small amounts is far better than just heating and feeding the solder into the joint till it runs out the other side, this is just

messy, so with that said, try this get rid of the flux solder, it is far to big for what you are doing, instead use a flux liquid, plus a plain solder, cut your self small bits of it and

have handy on the bench, with a pin to pick them up, flux with the liquid, then heat till the part just starts to change colour, then add the solder, and watch it being drawn to

the heat, this is a better way to produce clean even solder joints, use binding wire to hold the parts in position while this happens, but all parts MUST have a tight fit

The diff looks as if you have carved it out of solder, the axle housings should have been made from the square tube and the smaller tube soldered inside it with the housing made the same way, slowly building up the shape, to do this requires using 2-3 different melt temp solders, using the highest temp to lowest, as it uses less heat to melt the other

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Ok, I have to say this

In my view you are using far far to much solder on this, and is certainly going to bite you later on

there is absolutely no need to use as much as you have on the frame or suspension parts

solder works by creating a bond between two surfaces, much like glue, and should be used in the same way as glue, but with the use of heat

It is very easy to solder, and to use small amounts is far better than just heating and feeding the solder into the joint till it runs out the other side, this is just

messy, so with that said, try this get rid of the flux solder, it is far to big for what you are doing, instead use a flux liquid, plus a plain solder, cut your self small bits of it and

have handy on the bench, with a pin to pick them up, flux with the liquid, then heat till the part just starts to change colour, then add the solder, and watch it being drawn to

the heat, this is a better way to produce clean even solder joints, use binding wire to hold the parts in position while this happens, but all parts MUST have a tight fit

The diff looks as if you have carved it out of solder, the axle housings should have been made from the square tube and the smaller tube soldered inside it with the housing made the same way, slowly building up the shape, to do this requires using 2-3 different melt temp solders, using the highest temp to lowest, as it uses less heat to melt the other

Hi Tony, again thank you for your input on this and also for the soldering tips as well. At this time I am using 4 different types of solder sizes and 4 different toruches as well of different types too. Like I said before my friend has alot of money tied up into the parts that he had bought and I don't want to see the fame fall apart at all. So I'm going over kill on it to make sure it has it's very very best max secure holds.

Now about the axle housing, if you would look more close, you would have noyice something, and I even posted photos of it as well afew photos of it up and yet you speak about it as well. I did use square tubing! then round tubing inside it, it's shown in the photos all the way down through the photos. At all the photos of how the stuff was made.

Plus for the record you all, I'm not going for a model type fill looking here build, my friend wanted the model to fill real as well and much as possible as well, and to have a show look and also worked used look as well, as the real truck is show and is also used to haul stuff back and forth as well to companys. Plus my friend doesn't want this model to fall apart either.

This model project, is suppose to have.

1) looks like a model, but not though.

2) 1/24 scale weight of the real truck.

3) working and funcion lights as well like a real truck has.

Edited by zerodude
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Like I said before my friend has alot of money tied up into the parts that he had bought and I don't want to see the fame fall apart at all. So I'm going over kill on it to make sure it has it's very very best max secure holds.

Now about the axle housing, if you would look more close, you would have noyice something, and I even posted photos of it as well afew photos of it up and yet you speak about it as well. I did use square tubing! then round tubing inside it, it's shown in the photos all the way down through the photos. At all the photos of how the stuff was made.

Going over kill on the solder WILL NOT make the joint stronger, the correct prep and technique makes the bond stronger, if you wanted a strong bond that will NOT break, then it should have been silver soldered

I can see exactly how the diff has been made, it is just not the way I would have done it, but your build, and your friends money, to get a show truck finish is going to require a huge amount of work on the frame cleaning it up for paint that more than likely wont stick

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Going over kill on the solder WILL NOT make the joint stronger, the correct prep and technique makes the bond stronger, if you wanted a strong bond that will NOT break, then it should have been silver soldered

I can see exactly how the diff has been made, it is just not the way I would have done it, but your build, and your friends money, to get a show truck finish is going to require a huge amount of work on the frame cleaning it up for paint that more than likely wont stick

Just for the record here, the brass an copper I bought, NOT my friend. I'm not going to agrue with you, friend. The thing here and the issue is, the way I'm doing things and the way you do things is what is making the issue here. Because in the 2nd part above you clear as day stated it yourself "I can see exactly how the diff has been made, it is just not the way I would have done it" is said by you. So it's not done the way you would have done it, but I bet there is alot of people of this forum that does stuff there own way a way that is different then you do as well. We all are different and do things in different ways, that is what maks us well "us".

Plus again for the record, which you stated "to get a show truck finish is going to require a huge amount of work on the frame cleaning it up for paint that more than likely wont stick" which I also stated before and even in afew replys above that this is not going to be a show truck at all but a in between truck of a "used" truck and also in a way a "show" truck. and To get the finish that my friend and I are going for will not be that hard.

Plus so you all know, I will be using afew different kinds of paints on this project.. auto paint, model car paint, and one other kind of paint as well that sticks very very good to metal and also brass and copper as I have been testing out paints for on this stuff as I know paint plastics stuff is one thing and paint metal stuff is another LOL.

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Tony, your wasting time talking to this - er - ah - (person), he seems to have a "major problem" with learning anything, no-matter what you, or anybody else might tell him.

He seems to know it all, so it might be better to just leave him alone, it's like poking a snake with a stick, each time you do it, he rears his ugly head again with more terrible photo's. Please, please ------------ NO MORE.

randy d , before criticising anybody, how about you stir what-ever grey cells you got left into action, and at least check out the other persons capabilities, before opening your silly gob.

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