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Dr. Cranky

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Welcome aboard, Patrick. Can't wait to see what you cook up.

Jim, I like the photo caravan very much, and I think for now that would work. Since we have so many folks building vehicles, I don't think it is going to be feasible to get them all in one place at the same time unless we all mail in our entries to say, the NNL East or some such show. I am sure some of the vehicles will undoubtedly make the rounds in the different shows closest to each builder.

I am delighted to hear your head is filling up with ideas, and I for one expect another great machine coming from you. Cheers, DC

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Okay kiddies! It's eye-candy time.

Let's start this out with the Dodge Die-ora, sans windshield, complete with hellfire missile pods and 55gal nitro drum. The purpose of this wonderful (and unfortunately suicidal) vehicle is simple- destroy EVERYTHING in its path, get to its target in the quickest time possible, and explode car-bomb style with a massive nitro blast. Last-ditch effort, in fact, to take out enemy caravans or large hordes of zombies.

I tried to get the 'SAVE GAS BURN NITRO' sticker on the drum, but it's a bit too small I think.

This isn't your everyday driver, it's basically a one-time 'martyr' vehicle when things seem to be at their very worst...

...and only the most drastic measure will work to provide for the greater good.

Without further delay, the DODGE DIE-ORA!




More past the break...

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Now it's time for the real submission- (one of many to come in the following weeks, months, until I can no longer build!)

This piece is a true testament to post-apocalypse scratching- if it were in 1:1 scale, this thing would be built from anything and everything our scrappy little resistance fighter and his buddy could find (including a turbine, engineered to turn a drive shaft with massive force)...

Since this particular vehicle has no REAL source(the body was a random stock car body base, 'welded' to the roof section of a chevy van) of a brand or make/model, it is known only by its callsign-


842 Grievous Wound is powered by a re-purposed jet turbine engine, mounted with a 30cal GAU 17 minigun in the rear, and sports a nasty spike rail chained and welded to the front.

There are no 'ground level' doors, the entrance is through a porthole in the roof. No glass or breakables to be found, even the windshield is removed in favor of woven steelcord mesh. 842 Grievous Wound has 3 fuel drums- two welded into the rear totalling 110 gallons, and a reserve drum up top which carries 25 gallons.

When it was first constructed, our resistance fighter spray painted "GET SOME" on the driver side panel, but age, rust, and grit have nearly washed it out.

Enough talk, here's the pics!




More past the break...

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Meet our trusty gunner and friend to our resistance fighter!


And of course, the resistance fighter himself!


I had some fun building this one. But don't think I'm done! I still need to set the scene for this one... with a diorama!! BWAHAHAHAAAAAAA!

...Yes, I am just a little crazy methinks.

'til next time!!

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Hey Doc

My wife found some inspiration for our build, no introduction needed, so here it is:

She is a big fan of homeade soap and she found this for sale on ebay! I thought this was soo funny, perfect for this thread



Finally! A soap for the undead apocalypse! We all known that it's only a matter of time before the undead return to life to feast on the brains of the living. So,we here at DarkWilly.com are proud to offer you our latest innovation! This is no ordinary, store bought soap. These artisan crafted beauties are made from the finest natural ingredients, with those ingredients being: olive oil, water, coconut oil, palm oil, soy oil, sunflower oil, hemp oil, shea butter, orange essence, cedarwood essence, patchouli essence, and vitamin E.

This one-of-a-kind soap may save your life someday, since as the label states "Zombie Red Soap,The Only Soap Guaranteed to Mask The Smell of Your Brains From the Undead. Stay Alive and Smell Nice".

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Rob, Rob, Rob . . . I can tell these builds are running thick in your blood now . . . you are too far gone on the rust and fun and building of it. GOOD FOR US!

Okay, but you are not off the hook yet. All of these vehicles are just perfect, but, buddy, you gotta do them justice by taking better pictures of them. You need to take your pics in better light. Let's not blame your camera yet, but these are low-light, grainy and a little blurry.

Now, don't take this the wrong way . . . but these models deserve better pictures . . . can you shoot them outside?

Personally, my favorite so far is the second vehicle, which looks like you have so much work and parts put into it that I want to pour over all the little details. Well, you get the hint. More, BETTER pictures, please.

Ten Hut!

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Rob - on the photos. Your background is in focus, so your camera is too close to the subject. Is there a macro setting available? Adding another light source or taking the pictures in natural light will help. You can always crop and resize the picture with photo editing software(I use zoombrowser EX to crop and adjust brightness and then I use Paint to resize the photo for posting online as I use max resolution setting on the camera). Just passing some experience I've gathered in photographing my own models.

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Tony, thanks for passing on the information to all of us. I think we all know photos are important because they are the daily eye candy. Also, that since we work so hard on our models, we always want to see them in the best light, best angle, etc . . .

It doesn't mean you have to become a professional photographer or anything, it just means always try to take better pictures, that's all.

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I will get some better pics later in the day, when the overcast clears. It was late last night, and I usually get REALLY excited to share them. (don't go by the time and date on the photos, I haven't set the date on the cam yet)

I did notice that the closer pics get REALLY blurry and the far off ones tend to be just a little clearer.... so I will be getting new ones done sometime today if the sun decides to cooperate.

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That's the spirit, Rob . . . and the idea is for the rest of us to really get to enjoy your hard work in the best possible way.

Also, for EVERYONE in the caravan, Sgt. EYEGORE is saying this:

It is never too late to start dreaming up the kind of terrain (simple base work) environment to showcase your build when it is finished. Although the base is NOT a requirement of this CB, it is highly important that YOU KNOW and REALIZE how easy it is to build a mini scene for your model . . .

In case you need a boost of inspiration, here's a favorite how-to vid:

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