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Friday 13th & A 3-DAY WEEKEND BUILD!

Dr. Cranky

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heres what i got done yesterday, the engine, chassis and rims... going to work on putting the interior together while i wait for the body to dry :) hope i can finish, looks like its going to be a late night tonight :D

ill get better pics once its all put together and detailed up B)




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Nice work, it's coming along, folks. Glad to see everyone in and around the primer stage . . .


The basic elements except for the chassis are in primer. You can see how once you get all the sub-assemblies in order, the build doesn't look so overwhelming. Paint is up next.


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dang cranky that thing looks almost good enough to just call done.. I love the semi-gloss look of that primer and I admit at first I wasn't liking the hood piece but now that it's painted it looks really nice... seeing how well random things look once painted to match makes me want to throw stuff on my TZH build.. this build is starting to give me more inspiration

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Bobby, delighted to hear it. Yes, the build doesn't really start coming together until the primer stage. I always hesitate in the scratch-building, cobbling-together stage, but follow your instincts and taste (madness in my case) and you will have a wonderful TZH in your hands.

Keep it going . . . best, DC

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haha thanks, I found it online some time ago and used to use it on facebook and noticed it was still saved on my computer so I decided to use it here. it would make an awesome decal on the vehicles for sure.

I'm really excited to go shopping tomorrow... (that's an odd thing to say) I'm going to be looking at any possibilities that I come across.

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Final assembly on the engine and chassis will be done today.. Interior needs second and third colour coat and watching the bloody white dry on the body,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and waiting,,,,,,,,,,and waiting...........................................................BTW....I dont like painting white.

I still have to tape off and paint the second colour on the body then it is off to final assembly...........3 miles of chrome :lol:


Maybe some piccys later

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Cranky. Like your gremlin. can't wait to see some color on it.

Don't have a 3 day weekend but you did get me to pull out a kit that I had started and had been preped for paint. Its the Tom Daniel Sitnger dragster basically box stock - might wire the engine though. Got it painted today - its three tones.testors one shot gold in the front, one shot orange and the one shot red in the back, also got the chassis painted tamiya semigloss black.. Will clear it tomorrow and get the rest of the kit parts painted. One thing I love is fast drying paint and glue for the these projects.

Ira love this new project. Any thought on what color its going to be.

Cranky I think this is a great idea and it should happen more. Great way to get over the modelers block.


Thanks Bob!

Colors for the SPACE BANDIT?

Maybe Pearl White with Black Graphics, or Diamond Dust Silver or Mica Blue....

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Haven't had time to upload new pics, Gee imagine that... But, I can tell you the the '53 'Vette is now in a complete, rolling chassis, interior and engine are finished and I'm getting ready to go to the garage and start throwing paint... After that, it's final assembly and being that I'm using Teastors One-Shot Laquer, I should be doing final assembly this evening!

Update... This build just hit a snag...called Testors One-Coat Laquer... I now have to strip the body and hood and start over again... I've never had paint lay down so smooth, walk away for 5 minutes and come back to find little bubbles and heavy shadowing all over the body... The bubbles aren't fish-eye, they are actually small airbubbles in the paint. This is the second paintjob of mine that has failed using this specific Testors product and it will be the last.... Well, I'll try stripping the body and see if I can salvage this. I won't be able to work on it tomorrow so tonight was it...

Edited by Wagoneer81
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Aaaand.... another small update... After walking away from the garage, logging into World of Warcraft and slaughtering Scourge Minions for about 1/2 an hour, I went back to the garage, knocked down some of the worst bubbles and sags with a scalpel blade and hit the scoundrel with three more light coats of laquer... I think I can salvage it... I'll have to do a little wet sanding and then hit it with some Wetlook clear. *This is me wishing for a 'Thumbsup Emoticon'... The heat is on high and the paint is curing as I type...

Edited by Wagoneer81
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Update... This build just hit a snag...called Testors One-Coat Laquer... I now have to strip the body and hood and start over again... I've never had paint lay down so smooth, walk away for 5 minutes and come back to find little bubbles and heavy shadowing all over the body... The bubbles aren't fish-eye, they are actually small airbubbles in the paint. This is the second paintjob of mine that has failed using this specific Testors product and it will be the last.... Well, I'll try stripping the body and see if I can salvage this. I won't be able to work on it tomorrow so tonight was it...

I know how you feel,I painted a '53 Ford and a speed boat with the white lightning and the meatallic blue.I hated those paints but it was all I could get other than HOK.Ashamed that such cool colors come with such bad results.It's like buying a Ferrari with a with a flat head V-8,It just ain't right!

Edited by Austin T
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I know how you feel,I painted a '53 Ford and a speed boat with the white lightning and the meatallic blue.I hated those paints but it was all I could get other than HOK.Ashamed that such cool colors come with such bad results.It's like buying a Ferrari with a with a flat head V-8,It just ain't right!

Thanks, Austin, THe one thing I've found about those laquers is that they are unforgiving... It seems like they were easier to work with back when they first came out. Did they change the formula or am I just off my game?

Fortunately I was able to salvage this paint job... I knocked down the worst blemishes with a fresh scalpel blade and gave it three more light coats and, except for the bubbling that's still around the right front wheelwell, it looks really good! Here, check it out.


The paint's a bit heavy around the trim and script... it's heavier on the other side... Maybe this will lay down as it cures and gasses out overnight...


I will have to do some wet sanding around the Rt. Ft. wheelwell but I think I can make a spot repair tomorrow...

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I didn't have much time yesterday to get anything done other than prime the body so I am a day behind. I have made up for it today i got the body painted the motor almost finished and started working on the interior and frame. I will try and get some pics up later tonight

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