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2nd build into my model car hobby ( 69 camaro ss )


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Well, for starters you got the wrong brand. But you got the color right... Just kiddin man.

Is this your first coat? Do you plan on blocking it out? Go over every scale inch of that thing an get her FLAT. Maybe mist a light coat of black over that and don't stop sanding till its all grey. Then make her shine !!! What color do you plan to finish with ?

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Well I see some BOOGERS in that! Let's start at the beginning. Have you(did you?) wash the body before doing any sanding ? I usually go over all the bare plastic with a small wad of 0000 steel wool.Then wash the body again and check it. You may now see any mold lines that the SW abrading didn't get. Now concentrate on those,and check for any sink marks. Blocking refers to sanding with the paper or cloth backed by a flat block of something suitable.I actually find ordinary erasers work well until they get too hard.HTH :D

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As others have stated, the basic prep work stage that you are in is most crucial to getting a nice finish on the model. Don't be in a hurry to get the car in color if there are mold lines and "dents" in the body that need fixing first. Take your time and make sure it is smooth and ready before spraying color on it.

Keep at it and you will get better with each model. Being open to suggestions and asking questions here will benefit you tremendously, we all started out at the same point! I continue to learn and want to improve my skills like so many others and this place is a great source for those answers and inspiration.

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Richie, I can still see some imperfections on there. You want to have as smooth a surface as it is humanly possible before the paint. The suggestion for taking your time and being patient is a good recommendation.

My plan of attack is always to get the most perfect body in primer possible, THEN I start thinking about the paint.

Go slow, and have fun with each step. This is part of enjoying your own styrene journey. ;)

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i thought about that i do have white primer., i will be getting some putty to fill in the dents and do some research on here to find out what mold lines. thanks guys for all the feed back. i do plan on taking my time on this cause this build is for my brother and i want it to look nice as possible. I might end up striping the primer off and spray white on or just spray the white over the gray. I do like all the feed back you guys are giving me it is helping as a builder. really appericate it

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Do a search for block sanding cars on line, Then you can use that info for the small scale. Prime, then use a guide coat ( different color) over that and then start sanding. Once all the top coat is gone and the under coat is visable,...do it again. then your smooth. Just be carefull not to loose all your detail. Key words, block sanding and guide coats. Look those up, and read up on them, practice practice practice and your in buisness !

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update: Got all the primer stripped and iam going hobby shopping today finally got my tax money so i can get some stuff. gona get me some putty. also i am gona use createx yellow on the body and clear with testors one shot clear. their's a few places to putty so hopefully i can get all the stuff i need today. gona pick me up some more models too for future projects. I have been doing more reading and learning on here then acuall building lol this fourm is great

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