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'Technical' Warfare


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Ok, so I didn't generate much interest over in the general topics thread, but I'm hoping to do this anyway-

The theme of this CBP is simple. Modified, armed pickup trucks. Technicals, to use the military term.

There are a few rules to this build, but nothing too bad. I think that this will be a wonderful exercise of the imagination, as well as hone some skills.

1. The kit used must be a fresh kit. Not to limit you, in fact it will do the opposite. Starting with a fresh kit opens the 'playing field' so to speak in what you can do right off the bat, rather than stripping/repainting an older build.

2.Although your build does not have to be based on an existing reference, I do ask that you take scale into consideration. There are plenty of references you can use to scratch up weapons for your technical, and a few sources you can obtain proper scale weapons if you choose not to build from scratch.

3.Don't limit yourself to 1:24th! Tamiya has a wonderful selection of vehicles and weapons in 1:35 scale. All I ask is you match scales.

4.Paint and decals. They don't have to represent an existing faction, but if you do decide to go outside the realm of already existing or past references, please give us a description of who and what your vehicle represents.

5. Try not to go too over the top. Technicals give you PLENTY of leeway when it comes to what you can do, but please try to think of the structural integrity of the vehicle in question.

6.HAVE FUN! I cannot stress this enough. This thread is not for arguments, talking down to your fellow modeler, or starting drama. Constructive criticism is welcome, however. But remember to be constructive, and not just criticize.

7.No curbsides, please.

I will run this build until the end of the year. I can't wait to see what you've got!

To get you started, I'll give you some reference photos- some of my build, and some from the wonderful world of google:

My UNIT Technical-



Some real world refs-



Ref with descriptions to help you along-


Have fun!

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To add to this, it takes away from a build in my honest opinion if there isn't an engine to build, just a premolded insert...

I've caught myself asking the lady at the LHS to let me check the kit before I buy it. Surprisingly, she humors me.

...I've saved myself a lot of disappointment this way.

ANYWHO. Let's get this ball rolling shall we?

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Ok since I can't get whatever japenese engine is in the Toyota,I guess I can save it for later.Also I was looking for guns and a company called "Brick Arms" sells some mountable machine guns for legos.I think they could be converted to a model real easy.

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Ok since I can't get whatever japenese engine is in the Toyota,I guess I can save it for later.Also I was looking for guns and a company called "Brick Arms" sells some mountable machine guns for legos.I think they could be converted to a model real easy.

You don't necessarily need to put a toyota engine in, build one from leftover bits. Don't discourage yourself from trying something new, from thinking 'outside the box' so to speak.

You'll be surprised to find out what you can accomplish with a little ingenuity, styrene, and solvent.

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I'm not going to get indignant over this, as there's no real reason to.

Yes. Most 1:35 are going to BE curbside, out of the box. This does not stop someone from taking the extra time to scratch out an engine for it.

The purpose of this CBP is to take builders out of the normal confines of the kit box, and hone/develop skills with things they may not use in that 'comfort zone'. A good bit of my work lies right outside that area. I realize that a quick overlook on the rules may make them seem contradictive- but they aren't.

What I want to see is ingenuity. Brilliance. Realism. Something I've seen many of our fellow community members strive for, and achieve. In my time here, I've seen wondrous things that have inspired me, driven me, and given me more passion for a hobby I at one time only dabbled in on occasion.

I am just providing another 'platform', if you will, for someone to gain inspiration and technique from.

Not to oppose anyone's views in any way, just going further into detail on the subject of WHY I've set this build up the way I have.

Many times have I had to scratch something I didn't have, or wanted but couldn't buy ready-made. It all comes down to what you're willing to do to make that model YOUR model, and not just something that resembles the box art or the same model that's been built by thousands of people before you. Diversity, innovation, that sort of thing. If you think about it, the process of scratching something that looks as complex as en entire engine can be broken down into simple shapes and assembled from things readily available- styrene strips, rods, sprues, leftover bits from kits, even random pieces of plastic you can salvage from things in your house that you'd normally toss out.

To use a quote(loosely) from one of my favorite movies-

"There's a secret song at the center of the universe, I'm here to turn up the volume."

It's not so hard once you think about it.

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As Rob says, it's not hard to make an entire engine. I'd forgotten about it, but I made a complete engine out of pieces of evergreen many years ago. It looked the part. I also made a rotary from pieces of a motorcycle engine in 1/6th scale. Just look at an engine as a collection of shapes, make those shapes, and glue them together.

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Good morning, fellas.

It's good to see more of you on the thread today! I was hoping I hadn't ticked anyone off with that post.

I'm going to be throwing in another build on this once I can afford it. I haven't decided what kit I'm going to use, but rest assured it's going to be a good one. (TBH, any kit is a good kit, just depends on what you do with it :P)

Chuck, Wayne- I'm assuming that would be the kit this guy used.... awesome workmanship with this guy! Check it.


There's 5 parts. Try to watch 'em all, you'll be amazed afterwards.

Edited by ZombieHunter26
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Cool find, Rob. I checked out some of his other videos. Very good.

Doc, we both know that the glorious interwebs has an amazing plethora of genius to pull from. Remember that computer case mod video you found! THAT guy was utterly amazing.

I'm glad you liked it!

I'm gonna be out and about today, taking care of a few family things and possibly (if the wife will allow) picking up an inexpensive kit from the clearance shelf at the LHS. The latter may or may not happen, LOL. But I can always hope.

I'd like to see some more faces on this build once I return tonight- because like I try to say- you never know what you can accomplish if you put your mind to it and give it a try!

Happy modelling, guys. I'll be back on in the evening!

Edited by ZombieHunter26
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No new kit today- but that's all gravy. I can get one later.

I am, however, going to look up some references for heavy MG's, small AA guns, and rocket pods. I'll see what I can do in showing how to easily scratch them up after I get some work done on it.

With all this talk about the technical's I am just going to put it on my list for a build soon, probably wouldn't make it on to this community build though.Best of luck with the build guys.

No worries Austin. I won't be closing the CBP anytime soon. I'm sure you can get yours in!

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This sounds interesting...would an Escalade EXT qualify? Also, for 1/24-1/25 scale, there are 4 .50 caliber MG's in the Revellogram 1/24 UH-1B kit, and the Airfix/MPC and Trumpeter 1/24 scale prop planes have various MG's and cannons. I have the Airfix Spitfire, and it has 8 .30 caliber MG's (as well as a fairly well-detailed Rolls-Royce Merlin engine...another build...).

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