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1/16th Scratch Built 69 Daytona ProMod

Romell R

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These are model cars and the attitude of utter ignorance/arrogance is not needed here (yet it is prevalent).

Want to hear the best part? I'll say it..... I pulled up a post of a finished car by the original pot-stirrer. Looks like the chrome trim was applied with a toothpick and silver paint.WTF, YOU have the stones to nit-pik? I'll put my worst build up against that AMX ANYTIME dude. Your posts are invisible to me from here on in.

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My interest in modeling of 40 years ago was given a breath of new life into by the likes of Daniel Iacoangel and yourself.

For my first dioroma, Danny inspired my garage. For my 1934 Ford Pro-Street, I followed one of your "Tips

Tricks and Tutorials." Thank you for being one of the 12 people to respond to my diorama.

Your enormous modeling talent is evident by your 79,719 views and 1,283 replies. Like many I have watched your progress on several projects on this forum since Oct 2010, I have come to realize that you are a great diplomate for this hobby.

Romell, I only hope to see more of your wonderful builds and tips, thank you for sharing them with me.

Ron Berke

Thank you Ron . It can be a real joy to build and share our builds online. I think thats a big part of our hobby (sharing) so I do my best to be open about what I do and How I do it so that others can gleam from it. Im so glad you enjoy my work.
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I can see the pics now. Rom this is just to cool for s'cool, way to go. Now if i could only build as 1/3 as good as you.........................

Keep on building and soon your skillz my surpass my own. :) Thanks for your sincere compliment.
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Oh no, ignored by john V................looks like I am ending up on a long and distinguished list :D .

Looking at some of your builds, John, and seeing the prevalent attitude coming from you, I will put any of my builds up against you any day. Looking back at your builds, you have some skill, but your attitude (displayed in this thread) over-rides your ability. You want to call Reeves out, fine. But that makes you a target now. Hope you like bullets, as they will be headed your way (in the form of plastic).

Personally, I find you and others who take this to heart to be hilarious and easy to mess with. You paint yourselves bright colors and run through an open field, just screaming to be seen/shot at. Here, hold these antlers when the first snows start to fall..........

Edited by whale392
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Good job, Rom! I hope you do well at shows with it, just not in my neck of the woods! I'm really enjoying the resurgeance of the hard core over the top builds among you pro mod guys, they look great. Much more entertaining to follow the build than some guy just throwing aftermarket wheels & tires and an LS-1 in something and then never finishing it. Keep up the great work!

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Let me get this straight. It's OK to slam a talented modeler, but when I call BS on the whinner I'm gonna get "messed with"?

What ever ....

No it is not OK to slam any modeler talented or otherwise. But you know what? I didn't see one slam or insult applied to Romell in this thread. I see where people claim such negative things have been said (Including Romell), but no actual "slam" comments from members. Why is that? Is it a case of feigning victimization?

I see comments about the model, both positive and not so much, yet still all valid opinions, but nothing other than that, no slams, no personal attacks no bashing of him or his model. Can't people express their (sometimes dissenting) opinions here on this open forum without being actually treated as some are falsely complaining they have been treated? It makes me wonder...

Go ahead and check to see if I am worthy to offer an opinion based on my building ability too, let me know if I get a pass.

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Let me get this straight. It's OK to slam a talented modeler, but when I call BS on the whinner I'm gonna get "messed with"?

What ever ....

No it is not OK to slam any modeler talented or otherwise. But you know what? I didn't see one slam or insult applied to Romell in this thread. I see where people claim such negative things have been said (Including Romell), but no actual "slam" comments from members. Why is that? Is it a case of feigning victimization?

I see comments about the model, both positive and not so much, yet still all valid opinions, but nothing other than that, no slams, no personal attacks no bashing of him or his model. Can't people express their (sometimes dissenting) opinions here on this open forum without being actually treated as some are falsely complaining they have been treated? It makes me wonder...

Go ahead and check to see if I am worthy to offer an opinion based on my building ability too, let me know if I get a pass.

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You guys are still just bad mouthing and bashing away here in dudes thread huh..? Please be sure and screw up all my under glass post with your useless trash talking guys, I would greatly appreciate it as I am sure the builder does. Thanks for being grown up everybody....yay

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Simply stunning.

Can I ask why you chose to scratch build and then folow through and finish.

At any point did you think of giving up?

I ask because I am constantly amazed by people's talent, skills and creativity, but I often wonder about the 'drive' behind it.


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Simply stunning.

Can I ask why you chose to scratch build and then folow through and finish.

At any point did you think of giving up?

I ask because I am constantly amazed by people's talent, skills and creativity, but I often wonder about the 'drive' behind it.


1st. I think I finish because thats the way my mom raised me , I mean she wouldnt buy me the next kit untill the one I was working on was finished. And she would actually come and inspect it, then I would be granted the next one.

2nd. I know if I stop working on a project it wouldnt get picked back up. I have a few projects I put down in the 90's never to get picked back up again. Finishing is so rewarding to me. Thanks for your compliments fellas. :)

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I will put any of my builds up against you any day. Looking back at your builds, you have some skill, but your attitude (displayed in this thread) over-rides your ability.

Now I have a few minutes to address YOUR attitude my friend.....I've read some of your past posts ( including that BEAUTIFUL Duster...) and I can see your the self-appointed den mother of us all correcting production dates on Hemi's and telling people that their valve covers are on upside down. That's OK coming from you.... I stand corrected.Nice of you to acknowledge that I have "some" skills. Coming from the forum Den Mother is an epic compliment. And for what it's worth, my personality defines who I am, my attitude defines who YOU are.Now go build something instead of walls jerky....

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Rom, you poured your heart and skills into this one, and it's paid off with a model that's going to stand out any time and anywhere. I think it belongs on the cover of magazines and in a museum.

Watching you build, the journey and process, is what it's all about for me. The final results speak volumes on behalf of your talent.

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Guest Johnny

Rom, you poured your heart and skills into this one, and it's paid off with a model that's going to stand out any time and anywhere. I think it belongs on the cover of magazines and in a museum.

Watching you build, the journey and process, is what it's all about for me. The final results speak volumes on behalf of your talent.

What Doc said Rommell! Watched this all the way through and like everything else you have shown it is stunning to say the least.

Sorry a few jack a's had to screw up your thread! :( . But you seem to have handled it very well regardless of what a few others may think! B)

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You sure had the Circus right in your initial post Romell. This has turned into a 3 ring circus.

Another Circus Tractor Finished

I can only wish that I could produce a model of such high calibre as you Romell. Thanks for posting your work, I always take away some great tips that is helping me become a better modeller.

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Great job Romell. These pro mods are my favorite so I've been following along during this build. Every time you post an update it motivates me to get to the bench and keep my projects moving forward. While I'll never build to your abilities your projects do keep me inspired and help to avoid the burn out that often comes with the hobby. Thank you so very much for sharing with us.

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No it is not OK to slam any modeler talented or otherwise. But you know what? I didn't see one slam or insult applied to Romell in this thread. I see where people claim such negative things have been said (Including Romell), but no actual "slam" comments from members. Why is that? Is it a case of feigning victimization?

I see comments about the model, both positive and not so much, yet still all valid opinions, but nothing other than that, no slams, no personal attacks no bashing of him or his model. Can't people express their (sometimes dissenting) opinions here on this open forum without being actually treated as some are falsely complaining they have been treated? It makes me wonder...

Go ahead and check to see if I am worthy to offer an opinion based on my building ability too, let me know if I get a pass.

I'll be the first one to give (you earned it) a pass. and by the way I agree with everything you said. Dano got it right too. In my opinion.

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