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SCCeh Beretta - Frustration


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Thanks for all the kind words Rob, Jonathan, Lawrence, Steve, Mike, Bob, Patrik, Ryan, Jim, Jeff, the other Steve and Danny :)

Didn't have any band-aids, used masking tape.

Why use the Beretta body? That's an easy answer, because I'm using the Beretta pro-steet chassis and running gear under a Subaru Brat of course!

The hood scoop is not finalized yet.

"He's not going to..." my wife says that all the time.

Hole saws are not very neat unless you cut through the parts on a soft wood backer.

Determination...I once got a car stuck in a farmers field waaaay off the road because of determination to get to the other road.

Since starting this thread I've gone through over 300 pics (and still missed some modifications), out of them I have chosen and cropped 124 to upload and post.

At this time the build has been sitting for over 2 months and is not finished yet.



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Im a little confused. At this point , it looks like you had something almost in its first bodywork stages.


And then this...


Dont mean to question your method but you worked so hard and then chopped it up again. But still cant wait to see it done.

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Here is some inspiration. I used an SCCA Beretta Pic and photo shopped it to a wide body. Sorry the pic is small but I seem to have lost all others. If someone could blow it up full size and still have it quality I would appreciate it. The mirror is a little long. :D


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Thanks for the comments all :)

I've confused myself with the order of my pics, that's why I haven't posted more yet, I'm going through the pics again. The front and rear was cut off and stuck back on again a few times.

Comparing T.J.'s pics to my build you can really notice the difference in where the wheels are on each.

Old Brat pic, have only added better inside tin-work since it was taken...



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Ok, I MIGHT have these sorted out now, not posting pics while in work makes me rely on my memory...bad idea!

Adding a piece to widen and smooth out the front sides, also realizing that the lower sides now have to have part of the front wheel openings added to them...


Looking from inside shows reinforcement and "meat" added for dissecting the body again...


Applying the last of the spot putty...


More sanding and adding nylon window screen and fiberglass resin to the inside...


Removing most of it except for small areas for reinforcement...


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Trying vertical locating tubes...


...and using some persuasion to square it up while the epoxy dries...


Let's see, so far 3 types of body filler, epoxy, fiberglass resin and most of every kind of glue I have...


Edited by turn1wonder
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Thanks Lawrence.

Didn't like the vertical tubes so back to the horizontal.

What do you do when you run out of primer? Why, use silver paint...


...and when the silver paint can goes phhhuuuut use gold...



Ahhh the Midas touch.....

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Yes Steve, my hand was gold after painting lol.

DOOFUS! Frustration of my own doing (part 3).

Cutting off the bumpers again let the body spring up at the front and rear...


Oh well, time to learn how to laminate...


...using the weight of a file to hold the new wheel openings where I wanted them...


Snip, snip, here's what I git...



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DOOFUS! Frustration of my own doing (part 4).

The tires get in the way of pulling the front and rear off with horizontal tubing locators.

Back to vertical tubes but this time plastic, also added a strip of styrene to the rear body section to better line up the wheel opening...



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Working on the rear spoiler. Cut a strip for the spoiler and also a stiffening strip.

**WARNING**:DOOFUS! Frustration of my own doing (part 5) coming up.

To make the stiffening strip, which had to match the curve profile of the new spoiler piece, I applied masking tape to a piece of styrene and marked out the "v"'s to cut, and cut them. Glued the stiffener to the new spoiler...


...added another strip over the stiffener...


Do you know what happens when you apply glue to masking tape then sandwich it between 2 spoiler strips? It does not dry! Oh man, rip it all apart and do it again properly removing the tape this time.

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Here I will give myself a pat on the back and remove 1 DOOFUS.

To hold the middle sections of the upper and lower body parts together but allow them to be removable I used a piece of tubing and overlapped a slightly more than 1/2 next-size-up tube...



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