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Not all 455's are the same. Are you sure it is the Olds 455 you are looking at(gold), and not the Pontiac 455(blue) or Buick 455(red?).

aaah! thank you for joggin my memory..........yea its for an olds, so it will be gold, thanks again.



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What a great idea, guitar string ends for pulleys. Never occured to me and I've got plenty of them around. It's only OCD if you can't stop :o

yea the string ends work great....... ill have to take pics of a couple i have done.



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By all means post some pics of these guitar string ends. Please be detailed in describing them because there are some people (me) who know absolutely nothing about guitars and/or guitar strings.

i sure will jim, as soon as i can...............probably later this evening.



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My 72 Pontiac Grandville had a blue 455. I can hear it sucking the gas now.....ahhhh the good ol days !

oh man! no doubt, they were gas guzzlers! and my delta 88 had to have a 20 gallon tank on it!......

speakin of.....i stopped and looked at a 55 ford today, and im thinkin about buyin it. he wants like 5 grand for it, but it is pretty nice lookin, 2 tone blue with steel wheels, hardly any rust on it. ill use it for my daily driver! LOL everyone thinks im nuts, but work is only like 3 miles from home, and i really dont go anywhere else.........im not sure about it yet...but that all hinges on when my attourney settles my claim with the insurance company! ive been waitin forever and a day already....

anyways, i am babbling.



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i misssed that, bu thanks for the link to the watchparts harry! cool. im runnin low......well not really but i used to have ALOT more!

and i just noticed the quote in your signature harry........that is just too funny! thanks for the laugh, i needed it



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Love them 55's and 56 Fords. I bought a 55 from a friends mom and dad for 25 bucks. Yes, 25 dollars. This was in 1970 give or take a year. it was a 4 door but in good shape inside and out and ran great. I only had it for about two weeks. My BIL worked for Sears as a TV tech and Sears let them take the trucks home back then. The techs were told that the trucks would be taken away. As my sister and BIL had 3 kids and not much cash I sold it to him for the same 25 bucks I paid for it. A week later Sears changed their minds and still allowed them to take the trucks home. When I heard that I was happy because I could get the 55 back. I was angry to find out my BIL sold it to someone else. Man I was mad. That was a long time ago and he turned out to be one of my best friends. Never did find out what he sold it for or to who. Still after all these years it bugs me. Post some photos if you pick the 55 up.

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I think the most entertaining part of this story was hearing of the sheer 'terror' upon discovering he was out of guitar string ends!! Just more proof that one man's junk is another man's treasure. Thanks for sharing!!

it was terror!! i broke out in a cold sweat!! LOL........i called my brother, and got stocked up now. he always saves them for me. and the strings come in handy too, they make great emergency brake cables...... especially the "A", the "E" is too large, i havent found a use for them yet... but i refuse to throw them away! LOL :D :D



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