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Modified Fujimi Chevy Astro - "Astro Glyder"

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Okay before anyone thinks I am nuts, the name is actually based on what my wife calls her Astro, nothing more!

I started working on this kit a little while back, and just picked it back up recently after finding this site, and getting inspiration. Here is where it sits so far:

Front end smoothed and slammed to the ground:


Side shot sitting at the planned height:


My first major mod after reading this site: (cut out the step bumper and smoothed it)


I just like this shot, it was my first attempt at a photo of the model with my cell phone:


Lots more in store, I have started to mold in an impala lowrider suspension under the body, then I can work on getting the interior straightened out. I have several parts and pieces from scale dreams for the interior, from batteries to hydros to speakers and amps.

I am thinking I will keep the flat black once everything is smoothed, it makes the rims and chrome pop. I still need to add the side skirts and smooth them down, I like the look of the stock molding.

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Thanks guys!

I have a lot of plans for this one, I still have to finish smoothing the body, and molding in the rear end, and smoothing the roof lines before I do much else. I want to build something that is just over the top with a vehicle people usually wouldn't customize. I will try and take some new pics this weekend of the rear end, the photos don't do it justice, the multicolor setup is hard to see what it looks like.

I have been reading a lot of build threads, and I am looking to put a lot of work into the interior, and I am looking to have a fully wired sound system, and detail out the suspension. Will have more soon!

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Got the rear end almost 100% done finally, between sanding and filling and sanding and filling I have something like 10 hours just on the rear end...Will get some pics here in a little bit.

I do have a question, maybe I am not searching right, but is there any builds or anything on how to do custom interior components like speaker boxes? I want to try and do a crazy stereo along with the batteries and such for the hydros (old school style). I have seen a few builds before with the waterfall style boxes, but they were always finished, nothing on how they were built.

I forgot to mention, if I can find it, the interior paint will be a real old school color, plum crazy.

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