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revell mercs are shipped !!!!

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Model Roundup will have them next week. Now guys won't have to burn $100 in gas on a wild goose chase searching Wally Worlds over several states :angry:

My Wally World doesn't have them; they had a ton of models a week ago, they just greatly reduced the size of the model area, all the kits that I guess they'll be discounting are all up at the top of the shelves where I had no chance of reaching them. I guess they still need to put markdown stickers on them.

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You guys are so right. Not every Wally world carries these beautiful models. I went to the store in Boca Raton, and you would think that the one in this rich town would have carried them but they didn't. So I traipsed back to the one in surrounding Coral Springs, about 4 miles away, and voila still had 5 left, so I picked up two more and now I have more than I need.

I haven't been this excited about new kits since the Revell '40 Fords and the '56 Chev. Way to go. Now only if we could get Dave Burket to buy AMT the model car world would be just about perfect.

Ken "FloridaBoy" Willaman

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I picked up two at a club meeting last night at $13 each. Our resident kit vendor drove to Philly in the afternoon so he'd have them for the meeting Friday evening. (What a guy!)

I opened one to look it over, and was quite pleased. The chopped body looks to be very nice, and the optional parts are going to make great parts box fodder for those among us who like customs.

The box is laid out pretty intelligently. There's a cardboard brace that prevents the middle of the low, flat box from getting crushed and the parts trees aren't packed so tightly that they don't have any wiggle room.

The chrome looked good, except for a stock rear bumper that fell off the tree and got roughed up a little. Everything is bagged, and although I didn't test fit anything, it looks as though it ought to go together well.

I do not think there will be many disappointed buyers on this one, fellas. It looks like it was done right.

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