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'28 Ford Model A sedan


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Pretty nice looking little model A. But, I don't understand not fixing the visor before painting or wiring the engine and not adding a radiator hose. :blink: Shelf or show, those are the basics.

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Pretty nice looking little model A. But, I don't understand not fixing the visor before painting or wiring the engine and not adding a radiator hose. :blink: Shelf or show, those are the basics.

Well, I actually enjoy wiring an engine and I just haven't found a radiator hose that fits yet. I already talked about the visor, I worked on it and got it fixed as far as I had the patience for the sanding and filling that it required. I really HATE sanding and filling!

very nice,the stance is perfect,love it

Thank you John. And THAT is really the main thing I was after in building this model, Roger. Just think of it as a curbside plus. :D

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Let's see if I can add a little more to this topic.

There was a time in my modeling career when I was obsessed with getting every little detail exactly right. I was not quite a hard core "rivet counter" but I was close. As the years have gone by and many more models have passed across my work bench than I care to count, I am finding myself less and less concerned with completely detailing every square inch and adding every little detail possible. The perfect model has never been built and, I'm quite sure, never will be. Certainly not by me, that is just not a goal for me anymore.

So I no longer concern myself with that which can't be seen or which adds little or nothing to the overall effect of the model. That's what I'm after now, the right look, the right stance, the right color, whatever those may be. In a way I'm backing up and seeing the whole forest and not each individual tree.

As an example, Roger pointed out that this model doesn't have a radiator hose. Well, I may get around to adding one at some point, I may not. Can you tell in this photo?


No, you cannot. And I'll tell you what else you can't see in this photo. You can't see that there is no driveshaft or exhaust system after the headers. There are no shock absorbers on the front and no steering linkage. This car is going to sit on a shelf in my house and no one is ever going to pick it up and look underneath and recoil in horror because I left those "critical" items off.

At this stage in my modeling, (and I have been at this now for more than 50 years) I'm no longer concerned with that which I cannot see from a reasonable distance. Maybe I'm getting more curmudgeonly in my "old" age, or maybe just lazy. (Most likely the latter, hence the marks not completely removed from the visor)

But I'm going to leave all of that super detail stuff to you other guys for whom it is still important. And I'll just sit here and build models that are pleasing to look at and can be finished in a reasonable amount of time.

Soapbox mode off.

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How refreshing to hear some one we ALL look up to ADMIT that 'Hey it's MY model, and I LIKE it JUST as it is!!!" There were SO many ego'd out modelers here that you could walk across lake Michigan on there heads and never get wet! Thank GOD those guys are mostly gone, and we CAN hear REAL stuff like 'if you can't see it, I'm not gonna worry about it" ESPECIALLY commin from a guy like Drew! That an HONEST statement! Your lil 28 it the Cat's patootie as far as I'm concerned Drew! THANKS for posting it!!!

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Well George53, I think that's the first time one of my models has been called the "Cat's patootie". :lol:

But please don't look up to me, I'm just a regular model car builder. No better or no worse than any other.

Edited by 2002p51
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I think it is perfect just the way it is and any one us would be proud to have in our collection. Some of my favorite builds are the ones I spent the least amount of time scratch-building parts and detailing. Forget about the "critical - missing parts". I spent so much time looking at the way the car looked I never even noticed nor did I go back to look for the missing parts. I love the car the way it is.

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