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Model Cars Magazine Forum

this "Gallery" thing

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i am sure it has been here forever and i am the last one to notice it, but i started digging around in the "Gallery" section. I got kinda confused...what exactly is this? is there a FAQ explaining its purpose and expected use?

is it that it is a place that we as members can post photos of our models, completely apart from what i know of as the "forum"? in other words much like the "under glass" subforum? because from what i saw there was everything from detail photos of works in progress, to complete collections of cars, presumably from the same builder.

anyone here got any feedback on the Gallery section they would like to share?

edit: oh it occurs to me this might be more appropriately posted in some other forum. if so, move it please.

Edited by jbwelda
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I've never noticed it before but it looks kind of cool . If you click on " Members Gallery " you see all of the posts . Some are only a few photos but some are entire collections ( 100 or more photos ) . It looks like a good place to spend time and get new ideas !

Edited by TooOld
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yes ok thats pretty much the conclusion i came to...its just that i wanted some kind of "official" word on what the purpose might be, when it is appropriate to post there instead of the forum, that kind of stuff. i would figure any site that had such a feature would also have a FAQ or something explaining its intended use.

maybe not though

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It should be a place where you can go to check out the builds that individual members have chosen to display there, or images they find interesting for one reason or another. That's how it works on other model galleries. Unfortunately, that section doesn't have its own members directory, so you have to go to the Members link here, find who you're looking for, and see if they're participating in the gallery, then click on that. Don't bother using the Gallery site's search for member names or subject matter, because you won't find it.

GeeBee has some nice shots there, and you need to find him in the Members directory, then click on his gallery from the menu on the left.

Here's a gallery that makes it a little easier, and is cross-indexed by member directory and certain subject matter:


This is one of those issues where it's okay to make criticisms and suggestions, but I frequently have to remind myself that the forum and the small circulation magazine are financed by one person, not a moderate-to-large-size publishing company with a much larger budget. It's very expensive to build additional, more capable features, and I think what has been accomplished here - possibly the most popular and useful model car site - is amazing. All without a base of online advertisers.

Edited by sjordan2
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It's sort of like an internal or "in house" photo sharing site. Kind of like having our own Photobucket or Fotki within the forum itself. The rules for what's acceptable to post in the gallery are the same as the rules that apply to the rest of the forum.

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ok thanks for the info. see i somehow got the idea at one point that maybe someone went through posts here and picked out the best and reposted them in the "gallery", or perhaps the photos were in some way linked to what is posted in the (this) normal forum. i did look through it some though and it was confusing me some but i see what the deal is now. maybe i will throw some pics up too then

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