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Concept Charger

Custom Mike

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Very nice work so far. Your changes are right on the money...in fact, it's looking a lot like one I did a while ago:


Seems like just about everyone has redesigned the new Charger. I think Dodge really missed the mark on this one. I agree, a good idea would have been to call the 4-door a "Coronet", and make the "Charger" the 2-door coupe. Oh well...Chrysler obviously didn't ask for my opinion before they started... :o

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That front end is lookin' good. I like that chin spoiler! My big hurdle on the '06-9 Charger is the wheels. I never did ask, what are you going to put under the hood? Be sure to check out my friend Brian's Charger concept (Charger 300)

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Harry, your take looks great, maybe if Chrysler had asked you, we wouldn't be doing all this chopping right now. I personally can't stand the looks of the thing, but I'm biased because I owned a 1:1 '72 Charger. Chargers need two doors, and the truck nose they slapped on it is just plain ugly. For a while there Chrysler had the best looking cars on the road, then some Germans got involved, and it all went downhill from there! B)

Brent, good to see you over here too! Guys, this man is a scratch building master, don't let him say he isn't! As soon as you figure out how to post some pictures, drop that Camaro and '55 Pro Street on these guys!

Erik, this baby is getting a Viper V-10 from a Revell kit, and I finally figured out how to get it to fit right in this "promo" style chassis. Thank God you'll never see most of it, because this baby got hacked up just so it would fit. I did some fine sanding on the new chin spoiler tonight, then shot some primer to check my progress. I have a few spots that need a little help, but I'm happy with it for the most part. I mocked up the chassis and engine also, and realized I need to add some strip styrene to the front of the wheel wells to tighten them up. The engine now sits right where I want it to, so now I can take it all apart again and get further along with the body work. Enough with the words, here are the pictures!







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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's some more work for you to check out. I did a little more fine sanding of the chin spoiler, and added some to the front wheel well to even it out. Once that was done, I laid another coat of primer and found that the front end looks good, but my driver side door had a nice little "up sweep' at the bottom rear. So I straightened out the opening, added some to the bottom of the door, and re-primed. Here's some pictures, more to follow.







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And now some work on the hood. A member of another forum suggested I open the scoop up, so it was done, and I really like the look of it now. Then I did something I've never done before, I decided to make the underside of the hood look more like a hood and less like something that was all filler at the front end. So I drew some openings on the filler, broke out the Dremel, and slowly removed the offending filler. Then I sanded a ton of it off to get the hood to the same thickness all the way around. I still need to find a way to sand the new openings and smooth out the edges of the openings, but it's pretty good for now. Not too bad for my first attempt, let's see if I can screw it up trying to sand it! Here's the pictures, enjoy!





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Thanks Jonathan, I wish I could get more time to work on this. Between 3 daughters and work, building time is severely limited, but I hope to have some more posted tomorrow night. I'm trying to figure out a radiator setup now, and I've got to add some to the top of the hood so it meets the fenders, so look for that in the next day or so!

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Thanks Tooltime, I appreciate it. I got some time to work tonight, so I worked on the hood some more. I have it better than it was, but I've still got some work to do on it. Then I decided it was time to start thinning out the hood and trunk openings so I could add a lip to hold the hood and trunk. Next up for that area is adding the lip with some strip styrene, hopefully I can get that done tomorrow. Other than that, I mocked up the engine and found the radiator and core support from AMT's '71 Charger were a nice fit, so they'll be used on this. Troy (Dropped Yellow Ranger) is going to supply me with an electric fan, so let's hear it for him! I also split the air box from the Viper kit, and checked it for clearance in front of the fender wells, and it should be a perfect fit. Now I need to make some hoses to connect them to the intake. Enough words for now, here's the latest pictures.






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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the praise guys, buy you haven't seen anything yet, this baby is coming together nicely! Sorry for the lack of updates, there's been a lot going on in my world lately, and it may get worse before it gets better. But I'm still breathing, and there has been a ton of progress on this since my last update. I may have a color picked out (We'll see if that sticks :blink: ), House Of Kolors Tangelo with a White base is the current choice. As far as progress, I've got my receiver for the center section of the tail light done, a new 3-piece spoiler has been made from acrylic filler, the passenger door was glued in place and the new door shape added, the wheel wells were tightened up, and my chassis plate has been extended and painted. Beyond that, the engine is completed, most of my body work has been cleaned up to a fairly smooth level, a rear window has been made, and my entire tail light area has been smoothed out. Enough of the words, on with the pictures!

EDIT: If you want to see all that has gone one since my last update, click on this link for all the other pics I haven't posted here!











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Hopefully later tonight I'll have some fresh progress, I'm working on the inner fender wells and radiator as I type, so stay tuned! Here's a few "just for fun" pics to gawk at while you wait for the new stuff!





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Jairus, I have no choice but finish this one, I'll never forgive myself if I don't. Did you ever have one of those builds that just goes way too smoothly? Well, this is that one for me. It's kind of scary at times, because it's just happening with little or no effort, almost like someone else is doing all the work. I know I've been building models for a long time, but when did I get this good? I still see myself as the kid making glue bombs, so this one is like watching someone else work. I wake up in the morning, and some other cool thing has been done to it by the Model Fairies! My biggest worry is that I'll never top this, but it won't be for a lack of trying!

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Raul, I'm just doing what I think looks good, if it's stylish, then I'm getting better at this game! B) Well, I said I'd have more updates tonight, so here ya go! I got my radiator and core support finished off tonight, then ran into an issue with it. There was no way to support it, so it was time to make something. Out came the sheet styrene, and I boxed out the areas around my body/chassis mounting bosses in the nose. This now gives me an area to put the air filter/intakes in neatly, so it solved another issue at the same time. But there's still some work to be done, the kit fender wells don't quite fill the new nose up right, I can see the tires, and that's not good! So tomorrow night I'll make up something for that little issue. On with the pictures!





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That's coming along nicely, Mike!!

Yes, "styling" is an interesting part of model building. The more radical or the more different from the "norm" the styling is, the fewer people typically tend to like it. As we've seen with several 1:1 examples coming out of Detroit, Japan and even Europe, "modernizing" some of the classis gets a lot of attention and $$.

Keep up the good work and the posts!!


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Raul, you wouldn't happen to know someone in Detroit looking for help, would you? :blink: I'm good for at least one or two better ideas than what we've got to choose from now! I've got my engine compartment "gaps" tightened up now, so all that's left under the hood is intakes, detail painting, hood hinges, and filling those enormous slots in the cowl for the original hinge. Oh, and a firewall, gotta get one of those done too! From there I'll think about starting on the door panels, I really don't want to make them, but I have no choice. After all this work, it's going to have an interior, I'd feel like I cheated if I left that out. Here's the latest pics!







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And I also got some work done on my center tail light section too. I polished the new piece, applied the photo-etched "Charger" lettering to it, polished the mesh behind it to a chrome-like finish, and painted the inside of the receiver black. I am now officially in love with this piece. :blink: It looks so cool I may do the outer tail lights like this now!



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And I also got some work done on my center tail light section too. I polished the new piece, applied the photo-etched "Charger" lettering to it, polished the mesh behind it to a chrome-like finish, and painted the inside of the receiver black. I am now officially in love with this piece. :wub: It looks so cool I may do the outer tail lights like this now!

That center section is killer! Great job.


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That center section is killer! Great job.


I fully agree with Jefbo!! That center section is awesome!! I would leave the tailights the way they are. The combination of materials that you have now looks really good. Making the taillights like the center section might be too much.

While I was a professional bodyman for 10 years fulltime, and another 10 part-time after that, I still have plenty of connections in the 1:1 world, but none of them are in Chicago. :wub::D;)

Keep up the great work and the posts!!

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