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Anybody used Gunze paints?

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I want to know if somebody used Gunze acrylic paints, and how many coats I can used, and if is necessary to clear coated? It’s true that you can’t use other acrylics paints brand over Gunze? I buy a Gunze paint bottle because here I can’t find Tamiya paints that were the paint I ever use.

Thanks in advance!

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I've used them in the past and found them to be as good as Tamiya acrylics while also offering some colors that no one else had. Most of the paints I bought were gloss colors, and they had a fairly good shine once they were dry. I didn't feel the need to clearcoat or polish my paint, but it can be done with excellent results. Unfortunately, Gunze Sangyo pulled all of their aqueous-based acrylics out of the US years ago, so I've had to buy mine from all over the world.

I've never heard of other acrylics reacting badly with these paints, but you can always test them on old model bodies or cheap plastic spoons. What may help the most is using a food dehydrator to make the first coat of paint dry completely before applying a second coat. If you plan on color sanding, you'll probably want to have two or three coats because it sprays fairly thin.

About 15 years ago, there was a great article in Scale Auto Enthusiast that compared 4 or 5 acrylic paints from different manufacturers and showed how to get the best results with each one. If someone can get you the Month/Year of that issue, it'd be worth your time to track it down.


Edited by Monty
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Thanks Monty, very good advice! I bought Gunze becouse living in an island I have very litle chance to find a bast source of diferent brands as you have in USA, an if you run out of paint, is better to find a local suplier, an fast to.

Thanks for youe coments, are very helpfull.

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I bought the gunze reducer. I be waiting for a better weather to paint the body, it's a citroen 2CV I be building for mi wife. I'll post picts as soon as I continue building. Do you use Tamiya acrylics? What kind of reducers do you use for Tamiya paints? I have some Tamiya botles yet.

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I used Gunze acrylics quite a bit in my airplane days. I used distilled water 15 parts to 1 part Liquitex Flow Aid as a thinner. otherwise it is very prone to tip clogging air brushes. Can't say i ever brush painted except touch up.

their quality is tops and their grain is very fine.


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I , too , have had good luck with Gunze's line of paints . My favourite colour is Burnt Iron ; its finish is dead flat ; its dry time is short ; and its application is easy .

Equal to Tamiya in every way , at least in my experiences :)

Where have you been buying your Gunze paints?

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Where have you been buying your Gunze paints?

Honestly , it's been a while since I've purchased any since I haven't had to buy replacements . However , the last time I was at HobbyTownUSA in Temecula , Ca. , I recognised an entire rack of Gunze paints !

None were marked as "Clearance" , so I'm *guessing* that they're still receiving shipments ; the racks were relatively full .

I also used to buy them at thee premiere hobby store in Burbank , Ca.

I'll edit this post with their respective website addresses (both stores) so thaty ou may contact them directly :) .

Burbank House of Hobbies : houseofhobbies.com

Hobby Town USA :hobbytown.com

Edited by 1972coronet
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