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Frankie Goes To Hollywood

Dr. Cranky

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Mikelo, pertaining to your question about pastels . . . you can use them in two ways . . . you can scrape them against course sandpaper and used the powder and apply it gently with a brush . . . or you can thin them into light washes with a little alcohol water combo.

I like to use both forms . . . sometimes I also apply it with the tip of my finger of if the surface is flat, I will rub the pastel directly and then smudge with a brush and/or fingertip.

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No, no curbside for this one, though the underneath is going to be a very strange mix of elements . . . in a few days, after it all dries, I should be able to be confident that when I turn it over, nothing will get ruined . . . right now everything is a little iffy . . .

Here are some pictures to tie you over until you know, the clock chimes 11:59.

You know, I should not be encouraging you to stay up late just for this . . . for all you know it is going to look like ######! B)


Here, crankshaft . . .


You can begin to see the effects of the washes on the whitewalls, on everything really . . . nothing like a little potion lotion to get things in motion . . .


The wash, since it's got alcohol in it, faded the paint in places, an unexpected effect that I really like . . . a bleaching of sorts . . . very cool.


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Now, I still have to get some of the pastels on there . . . keep working the little details . . . some rust here and there . . .


Here you can really see the bleaching I am talking about . . .


Don't ask what that piece of mesh is doing under the front suspension because you know, it's part of what is holding it up . . . B)

This is, after all, a cobbled together monster, right?



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Okay, I took these pictures in the kitchen with as much light as I could muster . . . but I'm still not happy with the results, and I also want to break out my Nikon D-80 and some daylight, so this is not over . . . by any stretch of the imagination . . .

I started to dust the pastels here and there just to get all that blue to get toned down a little . . . .


And you know after all is said and done, I forgot to paint the brass wire coming out of the carbs . . . geez, it's endless . . . .


Though the tires are not as worn as I should have made them, they are looking rather used and "ratty."


Edited by DamnCranky
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All right, folks, if you kindly check over on UNDER GLASS, you will get to see the finished project . . .

Jairus, my friend, thanks for the inspiration and all the fun these last couple of weeks . . . oh, why I have not shot it, well . . . check on over there . . .

Cheers everone, and happy Holloween!

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