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ReIntroduction and my Death Proof Nova


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I have had some time off so I spent time looking over the site, clicked on myself, and found that I had never uploaded pics of my Death Proof Nova. I think the reason for this is at the time I joined this forum the pics were not on my computer.

This car was built in 2010. I used reference pics of the "Interior Shot Car" which was posted at deathproofcardotcom. I can no longer find that link.

There is a whole lot of detail, down to the way the plug wires were draped over the motor. Shortly after it was built I was contacted by a gentleman, from the state of Washington I believe, who asked to use my photos while he built his 1-1 scale car.

Love the movie and I'm not done with the film yet.

This is where my user name,signature and avatar comes from.

Sorry that a couple pics are out of focus.

Questions/comments welcome.





More pics to follow

Edited by DPNM
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Nice work on the interior. I love those cars, but I can't get my head around why you would want to kill Rose McGowan or those other women, while destroying a cool car in the process.

I know of a 300ZX and a late 80's Trans-Am in my area that have teh same paint job, but neither has "the duck". I don't think sports car noses lend themselves to hood ornaments, though.

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I appreciate all the kind words. This car took about a hundred hours to do. It was very helpful to be able to use the pics from the interior shot car. As you can see from the under hood shot, this car was minimal.

The license plate on the DP Nova was JJZ 109? I never noticed. I know that's the Bullitt mustang plate number.

Noticed the Duck as well... would be kinda neat to put that on the hood of a black Kenworth for a "Convoy" model.

Tarentino had a LOT of homages in this movie. One is the reference to Bullit. The Vanishing Point Challenger (which I believe the DP car also had the plate number of OA5599). The Charger was chosen, and it's plate, from the movie Dirty Mary/Crazy Larry. The Convoy Duck and there's more stuff too.

The Duck is a casting I made from the one in the Convoy Mack kit. Good thing I cast it too as I broke 3 before I got this one to work.

There is a dip-stick and I added lines to the brake booster. The Skull and Lightning bolts are painted. I sprayed the hood white, masked it off and finished with the flat black.

I had really thought about making the lock mechanisms work on the doors but, hey, it's 1/24th scale.

Kudos to Dragline (Bob) as a trader too. He is one great guy.

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