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weathered models

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I'm just getting started in modeling but feel I have a knack for it.i have been doing a scale R/C and been fairly happy with the results. I now have my first kit in years a California wheels 68 Volkswagen Beetle. The wife got it for me for Christmas. I want to make it kindaa beater, more like what you would find a teenager driving to school. I'm not sure all the best ways to do this any tips would be greatly appreciated.

(Sun faded paint, bug damaged paint up front, dented fenders, weathered chrome...)

Thank you in advance.

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Welcome to the hobby. There are many ways and many great builders here who can help so please listen and check out their assistance as well. That said I will share my first link that will show you an easy way to weather a vehicle and do the entire thing for less than $3.00 worth of paint. Of course you will have to spend more for the four bottles But they will only cost around 4.50. You will also have enough left over to do another ten to fifteen models with it. The second link is to my tutorial page on YouTube. There you will find all kinds of ways to do stuff. I have glossy and I have beaters. I tried to list them based on what I was doing at the time. So take a few and browse down and if there is a title that sounds interesting hit the play button. I hope you enjoy the hobby and if you need any help just ask I will be glad to help if I can. Here are those links.


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Thank you Chris, I look forward to reviewing your links. I am extremely excited about the hobby and hope to be able to stick with it this time. I recently found myself with lots of time on my hands as a fully disabled vet and think the hobby will help me from going insane being done working at only 34 years old.

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Jacob, First off let me thank you for your service to this great country. It's unfortunate that you have been disabled but please know, If the disabilities came from your service you have more than the utmost respect from my self and many, many others. I can no express my gratitude for you and your sacrifices. Second, please check out the YouTube model building community. I myself have learned everything I know between here on the forums and from YouTube modelers. There are a number of great groups to get involved in on Google plus as well. I will be more than glad to share a few links if you are interested. I will let you know you will meet a bunch of GREAT builders and have friendships from around the world. We get on and have ten members doing hangouts whee we just get online and build and chat. YouTube is a HUGE source of information of all kinds of ways to do things, I mostly work with craft acrylics in my video's but others use enamels and lacquers. All kinds of info there and you can see it happen. It is also a great place to show off your build projects and updates. to a wide group of people or get help if it is needed. I do hope you enjoy this hobby, there is a lot more than building a plastic toy knwadays lol. Great community of people. again if you need any assistance I will be glad to help if I can.

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Once again I thank you so much for the help Chris. Yes my injuries area result of my service in Afghanistan but I must say was fortunate in they are not too extreme and for the most part only effect my ability to work. I did get a chance to begin watching the video you posted and already found what little I was able to watch of great help and very interesting. Bye the way you have a great looking dog. (Random thought lol) I am curious have a great deal of acrylic paints I use for canvas (the kind you could find at Walmart with the art supplies) is this the same as the aircraft acrylic? I am rather comfortable using it and will be very happy if you say yes.

One thing I am interested in (which you have probity covered in the videos I have not been able to watch yet) is the best way to do sun faded paint. My attempt so far has been to paint the body then take a q tip with nail polish remover and rub the paint off to craft the fade, is this a good way or is there something better and easier?

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Start jumping for joy my friend. I did not mean aircraft I meant CRAFT paint. The Walmart .59 cent for two ounce bottles of cheap goo. Out of curiosity, are you using an airbrush? If so Painting with these craft paints will be a lot of fun. Also, it helps with fades. When you get your main colors down you can thin light gray or white paint with pledge floor care way way thin. 1 drop paint to 15 to 20 drops pledge. This is so it will bond. It needs to be thinned to where it looks like milky water and somewhat see through. Then spray light mist coats on the areas you want to look faded. This will show the color but have a dingy faded hue to it. You can also make it shiny. Add rubber cement where you want it to look shiny. Then spritz a little water and add some kitchen salt along the edges of the glue. Let dry for a few hours. Then spray a dull coat or a light mist of pledge around the edges. When you remove the salt and rubber cement it will have a faded dull look to it. You can now lightly sand with 1000 grit sand paper to blend in along the edges.

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Yes. Go get the light gray CRAFT acrylic and mix it the same way real runny and milky. I would suggest using a sponge. dip it into the paint and then dab on paper towel. then lightly dab on areas to be faded. Use a Q-Tip to dab little areas or creases along trunk or body. Let dry. Keep adding until you get the look you want. Then again sand along edges to feather into the paint.

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Lone wolf 15, I really like your idea I do have plenty of oil pastels not sure if that's what you mean, but if I get the desired effect how would I set it so it won't just wash or rib off later. Chris I was also wondering the same with the acrylic on my past experience with acrylic on plastic it rubs off easy what would be a good sealant for it. I was thinking I have used hairspray to seal pencil drawings would it work?

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With acrylics you can use any kind of clear spray can clearcoat.Same with the pastel chalks Lone wolf was talking about. You can get an acrylic clear enamel clear or lacquer based clear. I myself use pledge floor care. I airbrush mine on but you can use a brush to apply it as well and it is self leveling. I then brush Testors duu coat lacquer on it to take away the shine.

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