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Bench Time = Therapy

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Bench time=therapy. Yes for sure. All I have to do is enter my hobby room and sit in my chair. I don't need to work on anything. If I just sit there and look around at all my stuff,I fade into a state of relaxation that I can find no where else.Just sitting there puts my mind at ease and soothes my body. If I turn on the stereo and open a beer, I advance into euphoria. This all happens before I even open a kit box.This hobby does not have this effect on everyone but it does to me.I love this hobby as it helps me cope with the rigors of the real (messed up) world.I can not imagine not having this hobby in my life.

Amen to your sentence Brotha !! well stated could not have worded things better myself a Beer at the modeling desk makes things 10 fold more relaxing and just sitting there looking around at the stash and the supplies and the fresh no.11 blades sheer euphoria!!

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The funny thing is that if I'm on the computer or watching TV, I can put a few beers down! Working on a model, I get mesmerized, tune out everything else and that beer winds up warm!

That happens to me too... LOL

There's just something about being in the zone!

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Creative expression for those into it, is as necessary as breathing.

I couldn't agree more! I have so many ideas on just about everything from preparing food, building real cars as well as models, drawing, building houses, playing guitar and most everything else in life. The frustrating part is that no one wants my input, so yes, building models is my primary method of creative expression. I guess I'm one of those guys who can't leave well enough alone.

Yes, modeling is very therapeutic, It is my meditation. Being that I'm a person that HAS TO BE DOING SOMETHING at all times, modelling keeps me out of trouble preventing me from tearing things up around the house trying to make them better.

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so yes, building models is my primary method of creative expression.

So true! What I find is that if I'm in the middle of a big office design / construction job at work, I don't model since my creative focus is satisfied with that project. If I don't have anything going, I'm sitting on the couch mentally moving walls around, so I better get up to the model room!

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When I build I guess I get In the "zone", everything seems to erase out of my mind temporarily , if the tv is on radio, or someone is talking that seems to go off, my mind is just focused on that one task, and I cans spend hrs working on a model. Oh yea , and no time for any drinks lol, I'll end up forgetting about them,.

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I've always found building to be a great chance to escape from the real world dramas we all face day to day. It's been my fall back safety net since I was about 8 years old and now 32 years later I still use it to relax and unwind. It's heaps cheaper than building them in 1:1 scale and when I'm saving dollars for the full size toys I model also.

At Christmas I was diagnosed with liver cancer so since then I've been hitting the models a bit harder to act as a distraction from the dozens of tests I've had, hopefully in a few weeks time I'm heading in for surgery to remove a large section of my liver and remove the cancer, I'll be laid up for awhile so it'll give me even more chance to drag out and finish some more stuff.

We all need an outlet to unwind and forget about the dramas of life, I like building models.

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I,m going in TUESDAY the 27 th for back surgery and will be down for 6 months I,m looking for word to the bench time after I heel . second back surgery in 2 an a half years .this time they are fusing my lower back two dics .

Man I have been there too...don't want to go back there but sure in time Ill have to... We will be thinking of you.

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