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About Fletch

  • Birthday 01/29/1956

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  • Scale I Build

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  1. As Jairus indicated the total entries for the Challenge here on the forum was the 4 that are posted in last evenings posting. There were 10 total entries from the PNW Model Car Fest, here is the link to the Fotki album for those that don't have Facebook. http://public.fotki.com/dcfletcher/model-cars/model-contests-show/jairus-watson-artwo/ Honestly, 14 total entries for 65 packets given or emailed isn't that out of line. No one should feel they let anyone down, we all have lives and sometimes that gets in the way of hobbies. But, I would challenge each of you who has unfinished builds, to go ahead and complete those builds, that includes me and Jairus. Thank you again for participating in the Challenge. Fletch
  2. Well Guys you did exactly what we had hoped you'd do, you made it difficult for us to determine the winner of the Jairus Watson Artwork Challenge. We would like to thank you all for participating in this Iconic Challenge. Jairus is one of he most renowned artist in Model Car circles as well as 1:1 press. The Challenge just seemed like a good way to Thank Jairus for his many years of inspiration. So, without further ado here are the builds that were entered via email for judging: 4th Place '60 Chevfin of Tony Turnbull 3rd Place '41 Chevy Pickup of Neal Cunningham 2nd Place "The Bug" of Randal Olson And The Winner is....................................... 1st Place "The Bomb" built by Mike McElligott Hosted on Fotki Again, thank you all for your interest and participation in the Jairus Watson Artwork Challenge. It's been a blast, if you didn't get your build completed in time for the final judging, go ahead and finish it, I'm sure Jairus would love to see the completed builds. Thank you all, happy building Fletch
  3. Coming down to the wire, less the 30 hours before the clock strikes Midnight on Friday April 15th Pacific time. There are a few entries in the email bag, let's see how many more we can add in the next day or so. I know Jairus, James and myself are looking forward to you making it difficult for us to determine the winner. Fletch
  4. So, I bet you all thought I had forgotten about you and the Jairus Watson Artwork Challenge! Honestly, life has been hectic of late, but no matter how hectic you don't let others down. Anyway, the end of the Jairus Watson Artwork Challenge is quickly coming to an end. Here is the plan, starting this evening and ending at Midnight (12am) Pacific Daylight Savings time on Friday April 15th, 2011 submit photos of your completed build to JWAC2011@gmail.com. Submit at least 1 photo that best replicates the artwork that you received at the start of the Challenge ie:attempt to photograph your build from the same angle and orientation of the artwork. Remember the object of the Challenge is to best replicate the original artwork, the same thing needs to apply to the photo(s) that you submit. Over the weekend of April 16-17, Jairus, James Warkentin and myself will compare your photos to the original artwork, the build the we feel best replicates the artwork will be declared the winner of the Jairus Watson Artwork Challenge. The winner will be notified and posted here on the MCM Forum no later the 9PM Pacific Daylight Savings Time April 17th, 2011. Again, email your entry photo(s) to JWAC2011@gmail.com no later then 12AM (midnight) Pacific Daylight Savings Time Friday April 15th, 2011. We are looking forward to seeing your completed builds and hoping you seriously challenge us when it comes to judging your entries. Fletch
  5. Actually, with the fact that the PNW Model Fest getting moved to April 10th the deadline here gets the same extension. So, instead of March 27th, we all get an additional 2 weeks for the Challenge Build. As Jairus noted, get those builds going, we're down to aprox 2 months. Fletch
  6. Without a doubt the most violent impact I've seen in 30 years of watching NASCAR. There is not a thing I like about the COT, until this afternoon. I have no doubt the the COT saved Elliott's life. What a change of emotion for Elliott, wining the Truck race yesterday, to a victim of someone else's idiotic driving.
  7. About the only way he could have made it easier for them would have been to leave the keys in the ignition.
  8. Coming together nicely Neal, thanks for posting your progress. Fletch
  9. Sounds like a plan to me Virgil, have fun building it. Dave
  10. As my dad always said, "the only taste some people have is in their mouth!" Sometimes that's even questionable.
  11. Guess you figured a way to get me to build that 1/24th scale P-51 that I bought last year to get the belly tanks for a Lakes Streamliner. I'm in, photos soon.
  12. Believe me Ken I fully understand, I've been out of town for training 3 out of the last 4 weeks. Needless to say there hasn't been much building of any kind going on at my bench since mid June.
  13. Very Cool, those are all new parts since the last time I ventured to RMR's site. Thanks for the heads up, greatly appreciated.
  14. To the best of my knowledge there are no P/E Deuce Grilles or Grille Surrounds available in 1/16th scale. With all the MiniCraft Model A kits on the market you'd think that someone would have produced 1 by now but, unfortunately not.
  15. Donnie, you are correct the seats do appear to be some type of bucket seat. The grille surround is of a different color and actually appears to have a stripe down the middle of it. Another things about the 1:1 coupe is that chances are it didn't have over the frame headers as I added, but it's one of those things you can't tell from the photo. There are so many things that aren't seen in the single poor quality photo that it would be almost impossible to build a 100% correct replica of the Coupe. That being said a little artistic license isn't a bad thing. I think on a build like that if you manage to capture the essence of the era and the car itself you've done pretty good. As to where the build is tonight, I'm in the process of rebuilding the fuel distribution block, after replacing the Carbs the block needed replaced as well. The progress on the build has been slowed by my finally getting back to work following an 18 month layoff. What a silly idea letting a paycheck get in the way of modeling time. I am hoping to get it completed before Saturday morning as the club I belong to does a large display at the first major cruise in of the season and I'd love to have it there for all to see.
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