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    Nicholas Rizzo

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  1. Wow, this is great input. Lots of responses. Now I will no longer feel guilty about breaking the plastic and touching them with my paws, paint or glue. Please hold, while I go cut the plastic factory seal off of 1 or two of the kits I paid over $150.00 for. They will all be built eventually and I've been just dying to see what they look like aside from the box art.---Nick
  2. I often find myself on Ebay, looking at and purchasing some very rare and expensive kits. Many of which I only see available once, or once in a blue moon. I personally am the type to build everything I purchase, no matter how rare or collectible it is. I know for sure that in doing this, or even breaking the factory seal in many cases, that I am killing virtually ALL of the value in these collector kits. I'd just like to know;; What do you all do with kits like that when/if you make a big dollar purchase or score a rare collectible kit..? Do you store them on a shelf and not touch them, or do you just build them the same way I do..? On occasion, I get nervous about breaking the seal on certain kits, but it seems that in the eventually I just open them and get into the build anyways.I'd like to know what you all have to say about this..---- Nick R.
  3. Anyone want to carpool from Mass, Ct, R.I., or New York for this one? I have a Chevy Suburban that can hold a total of 9 people in it. So if we meet at a certain location, none of us will have far to drive. Got plenty of time to plan this.---- Nick R.
  4. Dear Hawk312, I am not totally sure that you are aware, but will assume that you probably are. This forum is for scale models only, not for actual 1:1, real cars that have been restored to perfection.. Lol What an amazing build !! I have this kit here on my shelf, but I can guarantee everyone in the world, that no matter how hard I try, it will never come out anywhere near as nice as yours is. Job well done, thank you so much for sharing. ----Nick R.
  5. This is one of the most horrifying things I have ever seen. This is worse than Columbine or Va.Tech. or Aurora... It's in my own back yard, within 20 minutes of my house.
  6. I've ordered three of the 73 Chevy Caprice wagon kits. All with woodgrain decals, plus all with the components to convert them into a 1974 intead. Has anyone oredered or built this kit before. I'd like to actually see pics of what I purchased, but model hous has no pics of anything, built or unbuilt. I hope they are accurate, as as they are very expensive,made to order, and take 6 to 8 weeks to arrive...Thanks everyone--- Nick R.
  7. http://www.ebay.com/itm/251192416917?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 I just scored this MPC kit on Ebay along with a bunch of other new and unique kits and parts lots. I just thought this one was one of the best scores for the price. In 25 years, or more in the modeling hobby, this is the only one of these I've ever seen. So I bid on it and sniped it in the last few seconds before the auction ended.--- Nick
  8. I'll P.M. you the address to mail the keys and title to. I'll send a car hauler to come pick it up in the next few days. Thanxsulot---Nick R.
  9. Truly breathtaking.. Amazing job. Hope someday I can do work even half that good...Silly putty as a paint mask? Brilliant! I learn something every time I log in around here.- Keep them coming please.. --- Nick Rizzo
  10. Hey! How the heck did you get a scale casting of my first grade math teacher...?
  11. I'm ready and waiting for atleast one of these big blocks w 4 speed set-ups. P.M me please as soon as any come available and I will also let you know what intakes and other items I will need to go with them. Thanks in advance -Nick R.
  12. I think the categories and classifications in this forum are absolutely top notch. Unlike another forum which I will not name, we have a wide variety of subjects to keep us interested. I can't speak for everyone of course, but it looks to me like I am nowhere near being alone in my opinion that this forum is excellent. If I were in charge around here, I wouldn't change a single feature, or rule for any reason. This of course is my opinion as I said. GREAT JOB!!! To the staff and moderators here. Thanks for reading............. .-Nick Rizzo
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