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Top Secret GT300 (Widebody Supra)


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Hello, I just signed up to this forum recently and this is my first thread here and I'm happy to have found this place as it seems to be the last car modelling forum with a healthy amount of active users.  I look forward to learning some tips and tricks from you guys and hopefully contributing something back.  

 I've been working on this Supra for the past 2 weeks.  I spotted this article, during the past Christmas Holidays,  written about the car I fell in love with when I was around 12 years old.  Aoshima has released multiple 'Top Secret' cars, but for some reason they have never done the original Top Secret Supra.  I got the itch and had to jump back into the hobby and scour the internet for reference pictures.  I think this is something you guys can relate with.  The need to build a model of your favorite cars from your childhood.   

 Here's 2 images of the real car:



Start of the Journey (Supra body from the Tamiya kit) shaping the nose.




Added 2 pillars cut, shaped, and filled with milliput 


A lot of styrene and milliput later, we have the basic shape.


Since milliput takes forever to dry, I work on the hood.  



Hood ready for the vents.


Or not,  oops.......


It's ok we can fix it with superglue and milliput  

After letting the hood dry, and a lot of filing and sanding to the body. (Clearly a lot more work ahead.)


With that face in mind, I thought it's time to work on that lamp housing.


I thought this method would work and it actually seemed fine, the only problem was the area was so small I couldn't sand it lol.  Making body kits isn't really my thing, so this just a big giant learning process for me.  Well, when you fail, try something else right?

My second attempt involves the use of a stuffed condom.  Yea buddy.


Stuffed with milliput, get your head outta the gutter.  Here's a pic checking fitment.


Filed down. 


Drilled out, so I can make cuts and shape the inside.


Got the basic shape, but needs a lot more work.  Pretty annoying since it's so small.


Throw on some primer, check for flaws.  And yea, flaws everywhere.


Here some pics of problem areas that needed / still need fixing 

Off center nose


Shaping surfacing issues


More shaping and surfacing issues


Oh yea I forgot to show how I completed the front fenders: 



More sanding, filing, and primer this is the state the body is in now.  Just minor surface issues now and I need to draw two panel lines.  After fixing those I'll be on to making the side skirts.  I'd be surprised if you read this far.  Sorry if there's a lot of pictures but I kind of wanted to show as much of the steps as I could.



Thanks for reading






Edited by Top.Secret
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