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Posts posted by landman

  1. On 6/26/2022 at 10:30 AM, AmericanMuscleFan said:

    Hello Everyone!

    Done, Terminé, Completado, Abgeschlossen !!!

    It's over guys, after 4 years on my bench, I can now say that this adventure is over.  For all of you who have followed this build from the beginning, I cannot express how grateful and honoured I am to have received your feedback and support.  Since the beginning of this long project, I have met an incredible number of passionate people here, learned many new techniques and found an inexhaustible source of advice from all the talented modellers on this forum.  I can only wish long life to this forum and this wonderful hobby !
    With this build, my first goal was to reproduce in styrene the body and the interior as close as possible to the original based on pictures and references found on the internet.  The mechanics and chassis components are pure fantasy and some technical aspects have been addressed and modified with the help of comments from friends more knowledgeable than me on the subject.
    This unlikely truck is a mix of everything I love, that sixties body style, a big healthy engine, a flashy color and wide tires.
    The real connoisseurs will probably find a lot of technical flaws, but it's just a hobby that allows me to satisfy my search for precision and to make my brain work during my too short moments of free time, obligations and responsibilities of life come first !
    Now it's time to clean my bench and think about my next project.  It will be strange for me to not see this thing on my workspace anymore but it's high time to move on.
    This is a good time to get it over with as summer is not my most productive season with all the maintenance work that the summer season brings, it will give me time to find motivation and choose the next subject as they are rather long on my workspace.

    For those who are interested, I have created a thread in "Under Glass" (Model Trucks: Pickups, Vans, SUV’s, Light Commercial) where you will find the majority of the final photos.  Some of them are a little blurry, I'm obviously more comfortable behind the milling machine than with the camera, I'll try to take a few more outdoor pics when time permits.

    Thanks, Francis


    Ayoye! In a positive way. Félicitations Françis. Are you taking a break or syarting on a new one?


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