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Everything posted by greger

  1. yes i was very pleased!! and all for $40
  2. so today went to the swap meet and got more parts then i could ever imagine. i ended up filling all of the organizers( all 4 where empty) the kits appear to be mostly there good chance its missing a small piece here or there but all the large main pieces are there and good. god a few extra engines. a couple extra chassis. a few trailer frames. pretty much you name it and i got it. for the price i paid i feel like i stole it all but it should be a good start to my collection.
  3. those are awesome love the paint work on the farmer mack
  4. hey everyone i have the new revell f350 duelly coming and i really want to make it a diesel. does anyone know a source i could buy a diesel engine from? used, doesnt matter. something that will fit nicely and beefy.
  5. thanks evryone. knwoing how friendly everyone is in this hobby will deffently help me keep goin with it. i find i always need more paint colors just so i can go to the hobby stores haha. i find my collection is growing and every cheaper model i can find i buy so that soon i will have enough spare parts to start making custom works.
  6. wow thanks for all the input guys. i just realized the wheels and that will get fixed. thank you very much for pointing that out to me. and ya this is only my second build. first was a little red express truck from amt. also thansk for all the kind words guys always good to hear
  7. i just got into model building and this is my second one model . and first time airbrushing. now i have started the revell auto transport trailer and my goal is to at least build enough cars to fill the trailer.
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