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426 pack

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Posts posted by 426 pack

  1. Thanks dumpy dan. 

    I was thinking ACME auto needs a shop truck and I have two vehicles that would work.

    1-1971 ford f100 with a 7.3L powerstroke diesel dually.

    2-1969 dodge charge el-camino with a 426 HEMI and prostreet tires.

    let me know what you think would be the best shop truck.  



  2. I could see myself geting the gto, impala, pro stock camaro and maybe the tractor.

    Do we need another late 60s mustang? I would rather see a 71-73 mustang or a mustang 2. 

    Why are they calling the 94 impala "Performance"?

  3. 51 minutes ago, #1 model citizen said:

    Thanks Paul. This is pretty much the way figured they work, although they have always been somewhat of a mystery to me. (Something I should have researched but never have :unsure: ) I am really more interested in the way they look in order to convincingly wire a model engine. Your explanation & photo of the cap(?) helps.

    Could you maybe provide a photo of the outside of the magneto with wires in place. Maybe a photo of one on a engine? Anyone? Maybe different styles /brands?

    Here are some pics of the outside of some magneto 



  4. 14 hours ago, Plastic_Passion said:

    First off your screen name is awesome and secondly you have a very nice collection too!

    Thanks I just realized that is only posted pics of my drag car and I have a lot more model cars than that. 

    My screen name is just something I came up with it combined my two favourite things about mopars 426 HEMI+6 pack=426pack

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