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Posts posted by gbdolfans

  1. Wait, I lied. One more thing. There was another coach from Massachusetts, William Naismith (inventor of basketball) who coined my favorite sports quote:

    "Athletic competition is the Enjoyment of the opponent's Character."

    I read this in a small booklet published from the time of the game's 50th anniversary. I lost the booklet and I can't find any documentation of that quote anywhere. And that says a lot about our society ...

    Oh so true!!! :)

  2. Well done. Biggest flaw I see is lack of foil on the front fender trim.

    Thanks Lee,for the tip.If you mean the trim running from the headlight back on the side,I didn't do it on purpose.

    I looked at a lot of '55's and just liked the look of it being body color.

    To all of you that have commented,THANK YOU!!!!

    Your comments inspire me to try to increase my skills.

  3. Hi all,this is my first post of a completed build.Ifinished it a couple of weeks ago.It is mostly box stock.

    The paint is the Testor's One Coat.I know the antenna is a little short.

    Any help to make my limited skills better are welcome.

    Please keep in mind my medical problems make it difficult to handle small parts,plus I am an OLD FART!!! HAHA!

    Hope you enjoy.

    George Bluhm




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